Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Yaletown vs. Coal Harbour

Rol & Maeann were able to view two places yesterday. We lost one to another candidate, but Rol said it would've been too small for us. I'm not sure if that made me feel better, but I guess it wasn't meant to be. The other place is a townhouse in Coal Harbour (pics attached). They really liked it, so we are hopeful.

Today, he'll be viewing two more places. One is in Yaletown and the other is close to Chinatown (this is our backup as the owner is waiting for the "right" tenant. I think I managed to charm him and he is willing to hold it for us, but I think it's WAY too small. Nevertheless, it's a roof over our heads if nothing else works).

Our top picks would be the townhouse (above) vs. this apartment in Yaletown pending Rol & Maeann's blessing today. YouTube Tour: http://www.youtube.com/v/6wjWPTWveIQ&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0

We are hoping we're the top candidates for both units and our only issue would be which neighborhood to live in, but that's only if we're the luckiest people on the planet. Our disadvantage is not being physically in Vancouver, as it makes credit checks/approvals more complicated. If we are up against Canadian candidates, they are likely to pick them. Sheesh, I thought renting in NYC was tough!! We hope to have some good news by end of week; otherwise, we're back to Square One! Wish us luck!

Would love your comments on what you think of the two units shown OR if you have any insight on the neighborhoods mentioned!

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