Saturday, September 25, 2010

Interesting Story

Sorry for slacking on the blog.  It's been crazy busy and I'm getting ready for my final teachings and exam and then "graduation" from my teacher training program (so so sad it is ending), as well as mentally preparing myself for our trip back to NY on Oct. 5th.

I did want to quickly share this story my yoga teacher told us.

One day, she and another instructor were sitting at a cafe in Yaletown.  They were discussing food (don't know specifics) when a truck driver at the next table interrupted them and said, "I'm sorry, but I couldn't help listen to your conversation.  I just wanted to add that you both don't have any idea how bad it REALLY is."  He was taking a break from delivering bananas to Urban Fare, the supermarket that is across the street from our apartment.

It turns out this truck driver drives bananas from the States to Canada.  That is his job - banana driver.  Anyway, he explained to them that whenever bananas leave the U.S. to be exported, they have to be green.  They only bring over green bananas to Canada.  When he reaches the border crossing, he has to call the supermarkets in Vancouver - Safeway, Urban Fare, Choices, etc. to see how their supplies are doing.  So, if Safeway has a ton of bananas left, they say to bring the green ones in, as is.  However, if Safeway is running low on yellow/ripened bananas they need them ASAP.  So you know what this guy does?  He presses a button on the truck, which emits gas to the bananas, so that by the time they reach the respective supermarket, they are yellow.  The border is only 45 minutes away to downtown.  

That, my friends, is the reason to go for organic produce whenever possible.

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