Sunday, May 1, 2011


I'm in Fort Lauderdale right now for work (9 hour journey from Vancouver-ugh)...It's amazing how you don't know how to spend your time, after you've had children. I mean, I read a book, 2 magazines, had a nice dinner, took a walk and I still HAD time! So...I decided to get a massage last night after dinner....

While the masseuse was walking on my back (good stuff), we got to chatting. I was lamenting about missing my children and found out later she has not seen her 11-year old twins for THREE years!  Needless to say, I felt terrible.

She has been working 7 days a week to save up enough money to buy a house and bring them over from China and away from her evil in-laws, who have been poisoning their minds about her. Her husband had come to FL 5 years before her and when she got here, she found out he had found someone else!  Seriously, I felt horrible about bitchin' about being away from the kids for 3 days. I could see the pain while she was telling me this and my heart just went out to her....

Let's just say, I gave her a $40 tip....for an $80 massage. I hope she wasn't pulling my leg...

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