Sunday, August 22, 2010

Random + Glowbal Grill Review

Throughout the day, I always find myself thinking "I need to blog about this"; however, when I get to the computer, I forget what I needed to blog about.  Annoying!

Here is what I remember at the moment...wanted to mention this stuff before I forget:

- There are stores here that are so similar to what we have back home.  The fonts and signs are so similar that I wonder if they are under the same companies. 
Home Goods = Home Sense; Magic Cuts = Super Cuts

- I'm very excited to discover a fellow mom of two that is taking the yoga program with me.  She is from Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada) and is leaving her 3-year and 3-month old for five weeks!!  I no longer feel so (or as) guilty about leaving the kids full-time again. Maybe I'll have company while I pump during my breaks?

- We booked our 5-year anniversary trip to Victoria, B.C.  Taking the ferry over and will take a seaplane back to Vancouver....Will blog about it after we go!

I want to continue reviewing my dining experiences at the more notable restaurants in the city. Glowbal Grill was pretty damn good.  It's a pretty trendy, loungey place and it was Friday night, but I was determined for some upscale dining and the mushroom risotto.

We took the kids and braved the after-work, happy hour, yuppy crowd that Yaletown (our neighborhood) is known for. I was extremely prepared and brought a coloring book for Julian, carried Amélie in the Bjorn and had the car seat on the other arm "just in case" and looked at the menu online and ordered before Melvin even met us there.  They sat us in the back next to an older couple from Louisiana and the hostess & waiter were extremely accommodating.

We had the following satays: short rib, sablefish, kobe meatball, tiger prawn - all of which were to die for, with the exception of the short ribs, which were mediocre. We also got a calamari appetizer, which melted in our mouths (similar to Sanafir's calamari) and got creamed spinach and mushroom risotto as sides.  Delectable.  I look forward to returning.

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