Thursday, October 27, 2011

When it rains it pours...

Last October, we were in NY for most of the month, so I was curious to see what the weather would be like this month. Well, sun has been in the forecast and we've been quite happy that the consecutive days of rain has not started just yet. We went out to Abbotsford, B.C. a couple weeks ago and went apple and corn picking...we went on a hayride and did the whole "Hudson Valley, NY experience" except in B.C. It was lovely. I really do love Autumn in New York though. 

When I referred to the "rain" in the subject matter, I meant "life"...things were super slow and steady in regards to my daily grind this summer and it was really pleasant. Out of the blue this week, I end up with a part-time job from home (which I'm anxious, but excited about) and had 2 local meetings I've been asked to work on. Also great, by why all the same time?

On top of this, we have Halloween, Kindergarten Registration and of course, our trip to the Dominican Republic next week! As I said, when it rains, it pours...I guess it all contributes to the rainbow afterward though. 

We're slowly packing and getting our donations for D.R. together, as well as praying for uneventful travel with the two kids and an unforgiving flight itinerary. I will surely send an update...before that, Halloween comes first!

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