Sunday, October 3, 2010

Prana (energy or life force - "essence")

Yesterday, during our graduation potluck, we presented our teacher with a couple plants for the new Prana Centre and as a gift from us, since we were the first group to graduate from the new location. 

Anyway, my classmate was in charge of the gift and card (guess who organized the potluck and everyone's duties?  hehe) .  She printed up this poem that she has been carrying around with her for a couple years now.  We read it aloud and our teacher was like, "who wrote that?" and my friend said she didn't know and she came across it online years ago.  Well, it turns out my teacher wrote it back in 2007!!  How weird, right?

I wanted to document it on my blog and share with anyone interested.

Prana Bridge a suspended bridge that connects the muddy land of the small-self with the fertile land of the higher-self.  When the bridge sways from side to side in the storms of the mind, it is impossible to walk on it and reach the higher-self.  In extreme storms, you may continuously fall from the bridge into the ocean of ignorance.

When the bridge is still, you arrive safely on the other side to the island of realization.  The moment you step on the land of realization, the bridge disappears and with it the ocean, the storm, the mind and the ignorance...

...Relax your shoulders and Breathe...

-shakti mhi

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