Thursday, March 10, 2011

Before Kids...

A few weeks ago, I was cooking in the kitchen with one child hanging onto each leg and yelled out to Melvin asking him a question..."Hey! Do you remember what we used to do with our time before we had the kids?" His response, "I have no idea."

It's funny how kids consume your time. Even with all their naps and their 10-12 hours of sleep per night, how on Earth could we possibly still feel exhausted, right?  My response, "I have no idea!!"

Well, tonight, I was sifting through old pictures just because and I realized...Wow, we really traveled...thank goodness!!

Lesson of the Day: Travel and see the world before you have the kids!  It just gets more expensive and more difficult after they come along! 

Oh...and we used to work out and sleep a lot more, as well :) Love the little munchkins, but man, those were the days!

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