Thursday, December 23, 2010

Six Months

It has been exactly 6 months since our arrival to Vancouver...the time has completely flown by!  I've been reading some of my past blog entries and it's crazy how things become distant memories. I also can't believe that Amélie was only 2 months when we arrived and now, at 8 months, she is crawling like a mad woman, standing and trying to cruise!  

I think we've all adjusted nicely...Julian is no longer having pee accidents every day and has mastered underwear at night; which we are ecstatic about! He asks about "the old red car" sometimes and asks where some of his old friends (Logan, Nadine, Dylan, Nik, etc) are - we show him pictures often.  Terrible 3s are certainly in effect and I have my days with him!! Melvin is adjusting to his new job and is working from home more often now, which I'm enjoying. He is loving our proximity to the seawall for his bike rides and is more open to alternative medicine (i.e. acupuncture). I'm miraculously breastfeeding still and am loving being at home with the kids (most days!). I have my side gigs, that are just for me and keep me busy, but realized pretty quickly that I don't care to go back to work full days anymore. Don't get me wrong, I miss my paycheck tremendously, but not the stress that came along with it. More than anything, I'm shocked that I don't miss the travel.  Who would've known?  

I have been lazy about it, but I still have to blog about the healthcare process here, as well as  make light on the odd Vancouver weather.  Those are the things people always seem to ask about or have misconceptions on.

All in all, we are loving this chapter and are happy the kids are a part of it. It would've been a lonelier road without them. Now it's time to get ready for Julian's new friend's birthday party and buy some stuff for a Christmas party tomorrow night...can't wait to see what we're doing after our 1-year mark!

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