Thursday, June 9, 2011


I'm experiencing my first time at a Kimpton Hotel. So far so good...I arrived San Francisco at 8:00am this morning and my room was ready after my breakfast at Grand Cafe. It's a boutique hotel, which I really like because when you're in and out hotels often, you can only take so much of a Marriott or Hilton. The hotel hosted us for a lunch "meeting" and who can beat a lobster club sandwich and truffle fries? After lunch, I went back to my suite and received a bottle of red wine as an amenity...They really know how to win me over!

So Kimpton actually started the whole "afternoon reception or gathering in the lobby". Apparently this was something Mr. Kimpton liked to do, so alas, a tradition was started. Whoever started it, it's a great idea. Unlimited wines (and good ones), snacks, massage chair??  Goodness.

I'm hanging out in my room before my dinner event begins. Tomorrow, I have an early breakfast and meeting start time of 6:30am and won't arrive in Vancouver until 11:00pm, so best enjoy my night. Ahh, life on the road.

I'll be nice and bring the bottle of wine home to share with Melvin.

Go Canucks Go!

Go Canucks Go...This is the very sad "chant" that Vancouver has created for their precious Canucks Hockey Team. You would think they could be a little more creative. Anyway, we went out to dinner with our friends on Saturday night during the 2nd Stanley Cup Playoffs game and got ridiculed for not wearing blue. The Canucks won that night and Vancouverites, as well as "bridge & tunnel" (or should I say, bridge and ferry) people, proceeded to celebrate as if they won the Stanley Cup. It was fun to watch and listen to, but not at 4am when people were still honking their car horns.

They were silenced very quickly this week by Boston...Monday's game was 8-1 Boston and tonight's game was 4-0 Boston. I'm not a hockey fan, but I'm rather embarrassed for Vancouver; I even feel pretty bad for the fans.

I guess we'll see how Friday's Game 5 turns out. Too bad I won't be here...I'll be in San Francisco for a work program. My flight is bright and early at 6:00am tomorrow, so I better get packing.

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