Tuesday, August 17, 2010


It is blazin' hot here (probably nothing compared to the East, but still) and none of the buildings have air conditioning (including most hotels)!!  It does not help that I've also been slavin' in the kitchen in preparation for Abuela's arrival next Wednesday.  Melvin's mom will be visiting for over a month from Aug. 25 and flying back to NY with us on Oct. 5.  I asked her to take care of the kids while Melvin & I go on our 5-yr anniversary trip and while I'm in classes the month of September.

I'm starting an intensive 200-hour yoga certification program at Prana Yoga College on September 1st, so it'll be full time with only Thursdays/Sundays off.  If I successfully complete the program, I'll be "graduating" Oct. 3rd and will be certified to teach yoga.  My intention was never to be a teacher, but I thought this program would be great for me not only physically, but mentally and spiritually, as well.  My goal is to just get through it.  So, we'll just see how things go and see whether I like it.  More about that later...

Back to my preparations...I've been cooking and freezing food, so Melvin's mom can just heat up meals during the day for her and Julian.  I'm sure she'll think I'm totally weird and anal, but I don't think she realizes how hard it'll be to cook homemade food and snacks with the two kids in tow.  Also, it's my way of making sure Julian is getting well-balanced and healthy meals, instead of eating platanos on a daily basis.

So far, I've made or bought/prepared the following.  Thanks to Janey and Kristen for the great website and personal recipes.

- Two dozen blueberry muffins
- Two dozen vegan banana chocolate chip muffins 
- Turkey & Vegetable Chili
- One dozen Potato Codfish Cakes
- Salmon Marinade
- Chicken with Thai Curry 
- Garlic & Cheese Bread
- Approx. 75 oz of breast milk

After all that work, I realize that the above will barely last us 3 days (not counting all the muffins, of course).  AND, I'll need to start pureeing foods for Amélie next month. Ugh. I question how people can afford (time and money) to feed big families these days.  No wonder people head to McDonald's.

I would love more recipe suggestions if any of you have some "freeze well" meals.
...gotta get ready for the beach now.  Until next time!

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