Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Nuevo Latino

We went to Cobre Restaurant last night and it was really good food....Latino?  Not so much.  There were certainly Latin flavors in there.  We ordered four tapas (Sablefish, Sea Prawns, Flat Iron Steak and finally, the Boar Belly), plus dessert, and they were really flavorful and the presentation was beautiful.  We would certainly return, but our search for an authentic Latin restaurant lives on.  

Coleen: Is the chef of Latin descent?
Server: No, believe it or not, he is Caucasian, born and bred Vancouver, and is of Scottish descent.
Coleen: Hmm, ohhh-kay.

Server: Our desserts this evening are a Dulce de Leche with whole, evaporated and condensed milks and a Tres Leches cake with coconut.
Coleen: Oh, cool, does the Tres Leches have the three milks too?  
Server: No 
Coleen: Hmm, ohhh-kay.
(server leaves)
Coleen: I am so confused.
Melvin: Yeah, I don't think she knows what tres leches means. Let's just try it.
Coleen: I don't understand how the first dessert has three milks but Tres Leches doesn't.
(server returns)
Server: Hi, I just wanted to let you know that there is, in fact, dairy in the Tres Leches dessert.
Coleen: Okay, thanks (in my head, I'm like WTF?).  We'll try that.

As I said, restaurant was really special.  Great food and good Latin flavor fix.  We just thought the chef being Scottish and Tres Leches not having 3 milks was rather funny!

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