Sunday, July 18, 2010


We were going to head up to Whistler, B.C. today but no car until Tuesday (apparently it is still in Washington State, ugh), hence we decided to take it easy.  I've been meaning to check out a game of soccer, or "football" as they call it here, at the Roundhouse Community Centre.  I believe I've had previous posts about how each neighborhood (or "neighbourhood") here has a centre with a million programs for all ages.

There is an "intermediate" night on Thursdays and a "recreational" game on Sundays, so since it's been awhile, I decided to try out the recreational game.  Now, I would've considered myself intermediate way back when in my past life (the one before kids and even marriage - sorry Melvin), so I figured I'd be a star today.  Recreational, my ass...

Boy was I ever wrong.  Hmm, how did it go Coleen?

Well, let's see, I'm still alive....BARELY!  There were 16 of us and only one other girl.  The rest were guys all over 6 feet, I would say, wearing soccer ("football") jerseys and of all different descents.  Let's just say, I text Melvin before the game and told him I was scared for my life.  Those that play soccer, or know anything about it, know they don't mess around outside of the U.S.  Picture a world cup game with a 5'2", out of shape, had 2 babies Coleen running around in the middle of it.

I think I would've been better fit for this team.

So much for having an easy Sunday...I feel like someone punched me a million times all over my body.  Maybe I'll try again next week...

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