Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sample Sales

I forgot to mention in prior posts that this is one of thing major things I miss about NYC-- sample sales! There's a lame website here called but it's really limited and it's geared mainly toward snowboarders!! UGGGHH. There has been maybe one acceptable sale I would've gone to, but it was located way out in Burnaby.

For those that have been missing out and don't know what a sample sale is (shame on you):
Sample sales are used by retail businesses in order to discard excess merchandise. Sometimes these samples have been used by agencies to sell products that they will distribute to local vendors. Sample sales are often associated with the fashion industry. These sales are an opportunity to get near perfect merchandise at a fraction of the price (sometimes up to 80% off). It is often difficult to have information on the date and time of sample sales.

Melvin scored an awesome deal on a snowboard, bindings, boots, the whole deal,  but I've had no luck whatsoever. I just went to a sale tonight looking for skis...all they had were snowboards and boarder type gear. I was quite irritated, came home and as I'm typing this, Melvin just ran out to catch the sale before it closes. See, there's a misunderstanding when people look at us. People assume I'm the shopper in the relationship when in actuality, it is Melvin. 

Trip to Woodbury Commons? Melvin = 5 bags, Coleen = 1, if lucky

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