Thursday, November 18, 2010

Xanax please?!?!

...or any drug should do.

I thought my 2-hour journey to Washington and back this morning with a crying baby in the back would take me over the edge.  I got through that just fine, but then my toddler realized he is now 3-yrs old and doesn't want to take his afternoon nap.  I am not having that - I worked too hard to get them both on the same nap schedule and that is my time to get some work done, surf the net, shop online, cook , etc.  That was easy though...lock him in his room for 2 hours of "quiet time".  He decided to pee in his underwear twice. No problem!  Let's change those bad boys.  What did it for me was the 90 minute tantrum...while trying to cook dinner for 3...and puree food for 1, while Julian asked for every food item we didn't have in the house and while Amelie let out massive cries in her frustration to sit up, crawl and move her chubby little bum.

Someone get me a glass of red wine pronto!  It should go nicely with the burnt quinoa.

I will be escaping to the infrared sauna tonight...for a few hours.

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