Friday, January 28, 2011

Camel Milk: A New Alternative Medicine

Last night, I met this amazing woman...Her 3rd child (she has 4) contracted a parasite when he was 19 years old, while traveling. It was confirmed to be a hydro parasite, so it must've happened through drinking one knows.  He was hospitalized and his immune system complete shut down as a result of it. He started becoming allergic to food, one by one...He was only able to sustain himself by having a tablespoon of rice milk a day.  He had lost 45 lbs during his experience. They tried every type of medicine available - both Western & Eastern - and went to the best doctors in Vancouver. No one knew how to stop this parasite from completing taking the functions of his organs away.  She watched her son deteriorate and eventually, he was too weak to walk or talk.

During this time, her husband had to go to Israel. There, he heard of Professor Reuven Yagil, who was researching the benefits of Camel's Milk (it is not distributed in Israel or the Western Hemisphere at this time). Anyway, he spoke to her husband and it seemed that this may be something his son could benefit from. There were MAJOR hurdles getting Camel's Milk to Canada, but finally, the parents got the necessary permit to get it over here for their son.  Actually, each time they needed it over the years, they had to fly to Israel and bring 40 litres over for their supply, but a parent will do anything for their child, right? This is the first time it has ever been allowed in Vancouver - holistic and alternative medical physicians have not been able to get it, even for research.

After 2 days of drinking camel's milk, he walked up the stairs and said, "Mum, I feel good". She nearly fell to the ground and said she would never forget that moment.  Mind you, he was too weak to walk or talk for 6 weeks...after 4 days, he had a banana, and so forth until the foods he was allergic to was reintroduced to his diet.  He drank Camel's milk twice a day and eventually was able to eat normally again. He graduated from Univ of British Columbia not too long ago. His mother wanted to donate a camel to UBC for research, but the Candian government wouldn't allow it.

Anyway, Melvin and I are going to this symposium that is going to be held to talk about the benefits of Camel's Milk (it has been known to cure or help Diabetes, Chrohns, Autism and Allergies) and this Professor from Israel will be speak. Dr. Michael Mandl (one of the best clinical immunologists and allergists in Vancouver) and Dr. Brian Bressler from UBC will also be on the panel.  We need to get this stuff to North America.  It is now being researched in several countries, including the States and farmers are started to test and milk these "one humped" camels...I really believe this will do wonders for the next generation.

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