Monday, September 13, 2010

Food for Thought

Here are some of my favorite ideas, findings and quotes from my yoga teacher training so far.  I just randomly listed it but would love to talk more in depth about this stuff to whomever is interested in a deep conversation.

We can perceive only from what we know (i.e. the world is flat)...and what we know creates our reality (i.e. if you ask a child to draw a monster, they will only draw body parts that they know but how they perceive a monster to look - like a monster with one eye).

There are no muscles whatsoever in our fingers & I guess I really DO have fat fingers!

Tantric Yoga - did you know this yoga practice stops women from getting their period and teaches men to make love without ejaculating??  Crazy stuff, huh?  Let's see if Melvin will let me pay to take this workshop.  LOL

Lotus Flower - it is the symbolic flower of yoga.  The roots of a lotus flower are in the mud and it blossoms above water.

Quote: Some bamboo are short and some are tall. What do you think this means?

Quote: We search for unconditional love because we don't love ourselves.

Quote: Freedom is letting go of the small self.

Quote: Realization is so hard to grasp because our mind is so complicated.

Quote: Suffering is a result of the perceptions of the mind.  When we identify ourselves with something lesser than us, suffering arises. (For example, our name, our gender, our nationality, etc)  This is one of my favorites and it is such an interesting concept.

Finally, Yoga is NOT a practice of is about radical self transformation.  The essence of what you are, not form.

One of the most important things I've learned during my course thus far is that yoga is NOT a workout.  It is about the practice of "stillness" and "finding your inner bliss".  Again, the biggest challenge that most people have, including myself, is being still and being in the present.

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