Tuesday, January 11, 2011

matt, liz and madeline

I started following this blog: matt, liz and madeline, shortly after Julian was born. It captured my attention immediately since I was a new mom at the time and the story was simply mind-blowing. Despite my tough pregnancy and labor/delivery, the blog gave me perspective and made me realize that I am one of the blessed ones.

Matt is the father, Liz the mother and Madeline, the baby.  Liz was on bed rest for 5 weeks, had low amniotic fluid and then had a c-section. Just as she was getting ready to see and hold Madeline for the first time, she collapsed on the ground as a result of a pulmonary embolism. The doctors weren't able to bring her back...The blog is Matt's story and how he got through this unimaginable situation. 

They seemed like such a wonderful couple and they loved to travel.  He took Madeline to a lot of the places he and Liz went to. One of the blog entries that touched my heart was when he took Madeline to the exact spot in India, where he had proposed to her mother.

It's an amazing story and I was excited to hear of his book coming out in April 2011, called Two Kisses for Maddy: A Memoir of Loss & Love.  I am so excited to read it...I'm sure it'll cleanse my tear ducts thoroughly!

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