Saturday, December 17, 2011

Night boardin'

Melvin and I are recovering from a night of snowboarding at Cypress Mountain. The local mountains, all located within 15-25 minutes from downtown Vancouver are Seymour, Cypress and Grouse. Grouse is the closest, and most tourist-friendly, so we've always gone there with the kids and our guests. All of them have night skiing, so we figured we'd heard great things about Cypress and checked it out finally. We snowboarded from 6:30 until 9:30pm last night, with a break for a burger and poutine in between. It was super fun! 

My goal this season is to figure out if I want to get ski or snowboarding gear. I found that skiing was really easy to pick up and I'm comfortable on skis and find it relaxing. Snowboarding has not been as easy for me and certainly NOT relaxing. I find myself falling way more, harder to get up and it's harder to get the technique down. After 4 runs last night, I was nowhere close to being "good" at it, but I definitely found it fun (finally) and I started to get more comfortable on the board (finally). I am going to give it a go one more time and I think at that point, I'll be ready to make a decision and get some gear. Stand by for updates...

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