Monday, July 5, 2010

Julian missing home (I think)...

Julian: I want bagels mommy.
Coleen: They don't have good bagels here honey. The good bagels are in NY.
Julian (crying): I want bagels in Canada mommy!!
Coleen: Okay, we're going to have to go to the store to find some.
Julian (crying & screaming): I want croissants!!!
Coleen: Sigh


I forgot to mention our household goods (without the car, which is STILL in NY!!!) arrived on Friday, July 2nd. Our apartment looked like a tornado hit it, but things are coming along and we are so glad to have our beds. Since we have been living with practically nothing for the past 3 weeks, we are still throwing/donating things we don't need. I'm hanging onto my fancy chafing dishes that Melvin's dying to get rid of though! Hopefully, we'll make some friends here and I'll be able to use them. LOL...

Now, I'm trying to break Julian's habit of eating on the kitchen floor. I can't win.

Our phone and internet is up and running as of this morning! YAY

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