Monday, April 18, 2011

NHL Playoffs

Seriously? Are Canadians not aware of the fact that other sports exist?

The NHL Playoffs are happening now and lucky us, we live down the road from Rogers Arena. Therefore, we're subject the crazies in the Royal Blue Canucks jerseys.  That part doesn't bother me as much as the fact EVERY bar, lounge, restaurant seems to have plasma TVs on each wall showing a hockey game!!....EVERY night (or so it feels).

I went out with a bunch of ladies I met on Saturday night and we went to a lounge that seemed to turn into a strange dance club after a certain hour. How weird was it that a hockey game was showing before the DJ took the stage? 

Random Note: The biggest difference between a baby boy and a baby girl (at least in my case) is that the boy is able to sleep perfectly fine in a poopy diaper, while the girl screams bloody murder to be changed ASAP.

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