Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Tree Rentals

Before I get into the rentable Christmas Trees, I want to mention that Julian had a ski lesson on Sunday and did wonderfully. We were pretty surprised and impressed and he felt all cool doing a couple jumps in his skis. I think we've been watching too many skateboarders at the playground.

Anyway, onto the topic at hand...I've stated before that people are very "green" and environmentally friendly here. Today, I encountered a concept I have not heard of before and it's pretty interesting: Rentable Christmas Trees.

They are potted and delivered to your home. Once the season is over, they are picked up and re-planted. Ingenious! Too bad our building doesn't allow for real trees, but I do like that concept rather than the thought of all these poor trees being cut down to decorate one's home for a few weeks and then disposed of!  Don't get me wrong, our chemically filled fake tree isn't any better, but this is why I feel I had to share this concept.

Here is a company local to Vancouver, but surely this can be found elsewhere.

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