Saturday, May 15, 2010

To Do List

We've received concrete information regarding Melvin's position in Vancouver and things are moving along rather quickly. He starts July 5th; therefore, our goal is to move end of June! We have lots to do...

1 - Find an apartment
2 - Find an international moving company
3 - Purge our house of junk
4 - Sell unwanted items (or items that won't fit in an apartment)
5 - Find someone to swap lease our 2nd car for the remainder of our lease - anyone interested?
6 - Book plane tickets for a) apartment hunt and b) final move
7 - Get moving budget approved by Melvin's company
8 - Say our goodbyes - a rush of BBQs have filled our calendar!
9 - Secure closing date on our house
10 - Did I mention find an apartment?? Ahhh, how does one do that 3,000 mi away?

I'm trying not to let the lack of control get to me...

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