Friday, June 4, 2010

Nursery University

Early last year, my husband and I watched this very interesting documentary called Nursery University, which is based in Manhattan and discusses the competition of city children applying and getting into (or not) a decent (or any) pre-school. This referenced children about 3 years in age. After the movie, our reaction was both the same - "that is absurd".
Last night, I found myself in a very "crazy mother" state, similar to the parents in that movie. As we are prepping for our move, the next question on our minds is where will Julian go to school. Well, guess what? Seems Vancouver is very similar to Manhattan and every pre-school that exists has a wait list of about 400 kids or more for this September. I came across articles that there is a shortage of daycare and preschool programs in the city....wonderful!!

He currently goes to a daycare/pre-school and is in such a structured environment five days a week that I didn't want to take that structure away from him. However, the question remains...does he really need all that at the age of 2? Very long story short, we found a couple spots at Montessori schools, but decided against it.

At the end of the day, myself and my husband both did not go to pre-school at age 2 and neither did a lot of our friends. I did a pre- program at age 4 but again, he's only 2, so why am I acting so crazy? We came out alright, didn't we?

I got some very sound advice last night from a dear friend: "We are their first and best teachers."

Tell me, did you go to pre-school as a toddler?


  1. As you know, I didn't go to a preschool program either. I did however begin attending daycare at a very young age and I feel that it was beneficial to me, especially since I'm an only child. I think it is interesting how we can be so level headed as parents, but suddenly get flustered about something that typically wouldn't be typical of our character... similar to how you thought those parents were nuts in Manhattan, but yet, you suddenly were caught in a very real and similar situation. Vancouver is going to offer the 4 of you some awesome opportunities, many of which you may miss out on if he is in a structured "academic" program so early on. There is nothing wrong with sitting outside at the park, feeding the ducks, and learning just by being immersed in a typically "normal" environment. You are going to have a great time. If you take a year to be "old fashioned" and keep him home, nothing ill will come of it :) Some of my favorite childhood memories are simple pleasures that I enjoyed alongside my parents. XOXO

  2. I'm going to be straight up with you on this one (and I am a father of a 10 month old) now a days are spolled! Don't get me srong I love spooling Nico!

    I was taught and RAISED (important word) by my grandmother, nanny, and parents until I went to PreK.

    I think your friend is right...

  3. Thanks Moi! I need the feedback over and over again to prepare me to be home with these two crazy of which is about to clobber his baby sister on a daily basis!


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