Sunday, August 29, 2010

Five Years...

...and counting!

This past weekend, Melvin and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary.  It is amazing how many changes we've gone through in half a decade - Melvin changed jobs, we bought our first house, I changed jobs, had a baby, left that job, experienced the death of a parent, had another baby, sold our first house, and moved to another country!  Mind you, 5 of these life altering changes happened this year, but still lots of changes we've experienced together.

To celebrate, we took advantage of Abuela's visit and left her with the kids.  We took a bus/ferry/bus combo to Victoria, B.C.  for two days.  It was as gorgeous as I remembered it 6 years ago (damn, I'm old) when I went there for the first time.  During this visit, we ate plenty of seafood (as usual), saw a Gray Whale, lots of Orca (Killer) Whales and a Humpback Whale - our guide said seeing three types never happens, so we were very lucky!  The highlight of the trip for me was High Tea at the Fairmont Empress (love scones and clotted cream!) and Melvin's highlight was his first seaplane ride back to Vancouver (a quick 35 minutes)!

Here are some pics from our whale tour on Aug. 28th - Melvin's head blocked a few of the pics.

Funny moments included my pumping breast milk in the hallway of our hotel when our room wasn't ready....then, passing it off to the bellmen (awkward!) to store it in the hotel did not get easier each time I did this, but it was quite amusing.  As we were leaving, watching the bellman run down the hall with my breast milk and throwing it in the cooler as fast as he could gave us a good laugh!

We got some great pics, so check out our Picasa Album.

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