Tuesday, August 24, 2010


...just curious...

What are your thoughts about the Islamic Community Centre and Mosque being proposed to be built by Ground Zero?  Feel free to email me privately or to make things interesting, post in the comments section of the blog.

If you choose not to comment about the above, what do you think of that flight attendant that caused all the commotion on that Jet Blue flight?  I found it funny.

I am in need of some US, specifically New York, drama...I mean, "news".


  1. 1) Let them build the community center! I'll break ground to start it. Nice little link of when times were simpler: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/25/nyregion/25quarter.html

    2) Every pinned him as some hero. Only because they don't have the guts to quit their jobs themselves like that. And let's face it, people treat flight attendants like shit.... So, I won't call him a hero, I'll just say good for him.

  2. 1) I question the motives/reasoning for picking that location for the community center in the first place though. Like, why there and not elsewhere? Now, I feel like it's bad if they do or if they don't...it was dumb to open that can of worms.

    2) I agree!! I love that he cursed out the lady over the PA. I'm usually nice to flight attendants, except for when they run out of blankets and pillows on a long flight.


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