Thursday, September 2, 2010


I had my first yoga teacher training class today at Prana Yoga College.  It was loads of fun and I'm loving it so far, except for the fact I had to pump every break we had, rather than socialize with the students.  I found though that people kept me company while I pumped under my Hootie Hider (a necessity for breastfeeding moms).  One minute we'd be eating and chatting and then I'd hear, "What's that sound?"..."It's my freakin pump, got a problem with that?"  Just kidding, I didn't say that (but I was thinking it)."

Asana (or posture): "to sit" or "be present" 

Hmm...I'm not sure I'll be good at this.  Many of you that know me well know that I cannot sit still, nor live in the present moment.  I guess I'll have something to work on :)

PS - sorry in advance for the yoga talk, but that is my life for the next month!

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