Monday, October 25, 2010

$35 GIVEAWAY! Comment on this entry for a chance to win!

Are you in need of housewares, baby items, apparel, accessories or are in the mood to shop online? Well, I am hosting my very first giveaway.  It is with CSN Stores, which features 200+ online stores, offering a great online shopping experience. Place a comment on this entry to be included in a drawing to win $35!  Have you bought a new home and need a dining room table? Or are you expecting, have had or need a baby shower gift - perhaps a video monitor?

Here are some of my favorite items from their websites:

Le Creuset is having a close-out sale!

7A.M. Enfant - must've missed this when I registered for the kids!
Over 2,500 bathroom sink faucets to choose from!
If you would like to win a 35 dollar gift certificate that is good for any of those 200+ online stores, then all you have to do is comment on this post!  Just be sure to include your email address so I have a way to get a hold of you if you're the winner.  I will choose a winner next Monday (November 1st).  Until then, good luck!

Note: This contest is limited to the United States and Canada.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Saturday Routine

We're still unpacking and recovering from our 2-week trip to NY, but slowly and surely, we're getting back into the daily grind.  Today was a routine Saturday - Melvin took Julian to soccer practice, while I stayed at home.  Amélie napped and I worked on doing the umpteenth load of laundry, updating pictures and restocked the refrigerator with meals.  On our lunch menu today - Fried Manchego Cheese and Tomato Soup.

This Saturday is a little different in the fact that I am getting certified in Kids Yoga, so I have my second class this afternoon.  I had my first of three classes yesterday and not sure that it's my cup of tea, but I'm learning some handy tricks for Julian in the process.
Hey Friend, take your time
Cool that fire in your mind
Patience, Patience
Keeps you cool
Helps you follow
The Golden Rule!
Patience, Patience

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I taught my first class last night at a studio I rented from Treloar Physiotherapy and 6 people attended!  It was great.  I was feeling tired and under the weather because Amelie has been teething and has a virus that has been keeping me on my toes.  In any case, I mustered all the energy I had and taught my butt off.  

It felt great.  Hopefully people will come back next week!

People often wonder why a teacher ends a yoga class with Namaste.  It has several meetings and could be interpreted as simply a salutation, as well, but it also means: I see the higher self in you.

We say this because in the spiritual path, the aim is to reach "realization" and awareness of your higher self, leaving your "small" selves behind.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

First Class

Teaching my first class tonight!  I am literally CRAPPING IN MY PANTS.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Nuevo Latino

We went to Cobre Restaurant last night and it was really good food....Latino?  Not so much.  There were certainly Latin flavors in there.  We ordered four tapas (Sablefish, Sea Prawns, Flat Iron Steak and finally, the Boar Belly), plus dessert, and they were really flavorful and the presentation was beautiful.  We would certainly return, but our search for an authentic Latin restaurant lives on.  

Coleen: Is the chef of Latin descent?
Server: No, believe it or not, he is Caucasian, born and bred Vancouver, and is of Scottish descent.
Coleen: Hmm, ohhh-kay.

Server: Our desserts this evening are a Dulce de Leche with whole, evaporated and condensed milks and a Tres Leches cake with coconut.
Coleen: Oh, cool, does the Tres Leches have the three milks too?  
Server: No 
Coleen: Hmm, ohhh-kay.
(server leaves)
Coleen: I am so confused.
Melvin: Yeah, I don't think she knows what tres leches means. Let's just try it.
Coleen: I don't understand how the first dessert has three milks but Tres Leches doesn't.
(server returns)
Server: Hi, I just wanted to let you know that there is, in fact, dairy in the Tres Leches dessert.
Coleen: Okay, thanks (in my head, I'm like WTF?).  We'll try that.

As I said, restaurant was really special.  Great food and good Latin flavor fix.  We just thought the chef being Scottish and Tres Leches not having 3 milks was rather funny!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Jewish Wedding

Melvin wearing his Yarmulke
I went to my second Jewish wedding last night and had a great time once again.  I grew up going to Bar & Bat Mitzvahs, so I'm not completely ignorant, but this was my 2nd wedding at a temple, with a reception following in the next room.  The Hava Nigila is my favorite part, by far.

These facilities are amazing because when you enter the cocktail hour room or dinner room after the ceremony, you are transported to what could very easily be a ballroom at a hotel or at a specialized venue.  You would have no idea you're at a temple.  I'm not sure if it's the norm to have an insane amount of food during cocktail hour either, but it was the same both times.  Pretty much passed hors d'oeuvres and 10 stations, consisting of fish n chips, sliders, hot dog stand, ceviche, veal milanese, pasta station, caviar, ribs & mashed potatoes, duck and tuna tataki.  Filipinos always make sure they have more than enough food, but I can honestly say last night had us beat a million times over.  Dessert consisted of a plated Milky Way dessert, build your own sundae, cupcake and milkshake carts, PLUS passed cookies, red velvet cupcakes, chocolate covered strawberries, fruit tarts, cream puffs and more brought to each table by the servers.  I couldn't even look after awhile.

It was a great night with good friends,great food and Hava Nigila.  Mazel Tov to Jodie & Mike!

Now I'm packing for our flight to Vancouver with one extra bag full of kids clothes and 10 more pounds.  It's been real, New York...

Thursday, October 14, 2010


I can't pinpoint what it is, but the TV programming is so different in NY vs. Vancouver.  We get Seattle news and some channels, but it's still different.  There are just some things I've seen this week that we now know we would not see in Vancouver...for example, Chileans going crazy and dancing in traditional garb at some bar in NYC when the miners were freed.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Home (?)

It is so weird being back home.  From the moment we stepped off the airplane in Newark Airport (which used to be my second home), my stress level went up slightly.  It was a stressful time before leaving for Vancouver, so I'm working on disassociating that feeling with the location.  

Anyway, it has been really great seeing old faces! We had a blast with our college friends in Philly, forgetting how good a greasy cheesesteak is at 1:00am.  Melvin went out with the guys on Friday night and I with the gals on Saturday night. Julian had a few play dates, so all were very happy.  

Our restaurant of choice on Saturday was Koozeedoo, which features Portuguese fare in the Northern Liberties neighborhood.  Having been to Portugal  twice (Lisbon & Sintra), it definitely brought me back.  The food was excellent and is shared family style, so we dined on Duck with Baked Rice (excellent-good call by my friend Beverly), Seafood Feijoada (tasty, but I prefer Brazilian Feijoada - if you are ever in Brazil there is a huge Feijoada buffet at the Sofitel Hotel Rio de Janeiro every Saturday that is to die for), Potato Croquettes (also tasty, but the Spaniards do it better), Steak with Fried Potatoes & Fried Egg (excellent - so glad we got 2 orders of this!), Shrimp with Hot Sauce (yummy, yum, yum and it had major kick) and finally, Bread Soup with Mushrooms, Cheese & Poached Egg (could've done without...gimme the mushrooms and hold everything else).  For dessert, I got the traditional egg custard, which was just good.  I was really hoping for a traditional Pasteis de Nata, but I guess there's nothing like the original in Lisbon.  If you ever find yourself in Lisbon, make your way to Antiga Confeitaria de Belem, which is located by the waterfront in Belem.  They let you take those bad boys on the airplane, so I brought back a dozen (not to share) and it was just heaven.  There is also a place in Newark, NJ (Teixeira Bakery) that sells them and they are a good fix, since Lisbon is not a hop, skip, jump away. 

Last night, we went to Ephendi with our Rockland friends and had a wonderful time. Ephendi (New City, NY) is the sister restaurant of Turkois Grille (Airmont, NY) and features Turkish cuisine, which is amazing. We each had our own plate and I have to say that this place does not have a bad dish on the menu.  The food is so fresh, whether it's the fish, kebobs (lamb, chicken, etc) or appetizers.  The main dishes are served with a bulgar pilaf in tomato sauce that is just to die for.  It was definitely a great night with good food and friends.

Okay, must get ready for the day.  We have been shopping like crazy because sales tax in Vancouver is 12%, so need to stock up on kids clothes while we are here.  We also got the kids' Halloween costumes - Thomas the Train for Julian and a Hot Pink Ladybug for the little one. I'm going to need a vacation from this vacation for sure.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Traveling with the kids...

Portable DVD Player - Check
3 DVDs - Check
Library Books - Check
Hootie Hider - Check
Dry Ice & Breastmilk - Check
Car Seat - Check
Passports - Check

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Prana (energy or life force - "essence")

Yesterday, during our graduation potluck, we presented our teacher with a couple plants for the new Prana Centre and as a gift from us, since we were the first group to graduate from the new location. 

Anyway, my classmate was in charge of the gift and card (guess who organized the potluck and everyone's duties?  hehe) .  She printed up this poem that she has been carrying around with her for a couple years now.  We read it aloud and our teacher was like, "who wrote that?" and my friend said she didn't know and she came across it online years ago.  Well, it turns out my teacher wrote it back in 2007!!  How weird, right?

I wanted to document it on my blog and share with anyone interested.

Prana Bridge a suspended bridge that connects the muddy land of the small-self with the fertile land of the higher-self.  When the bridge sways from side to side in the storms of the mind, it is impossible to walk on it and reach the higher-self.  In extreme storms, you may continuously fall from the bridge into the ocean of ignorance.

When the bridge is still, you arrive safely on the other side to the island of realization.  The moment you step on the land of realization, the bridge disappears and with it the ocean, the storm, the mind and the ignorance...

...Relax your shoulders and Breathe...

-shakti mhi

Saturday, October 2, 2010


My graduation from the yoga teacher training is today.  I'm so sad it's over, but am trying to live in the moment and be ready for whatever comes my way.  We have our "ritual" today at 3:00pm and then family are welcome to join us in the potluck.  It should be super fun for my classmates to see the kids and see why I was pumping diligently twice a day to feed sweet Amélie . 

Time to start packing for our trip back to NY...

Friday, October 1, 2010

Déjà vu

My yoga teacher training at Prana Yoga College is coming to an end tomorrow (waaah!) and I got together with some friends I've made to "cram".  We have to each teach about 10 postures tomorrow, plus a written exam.  I felt like I was back at Drexel again cramming for a test (not) - haha.  I remember those days at the library, where Melvin really wanted to study and I looked around doing everything in my power to not study. 

Anyway, I'm as prepared as I'll ever be.  I'll be teaching the following flow tomorrow:

Up to all 4s, downward facing dog, pigeon (right leg and mirroring to class), downward facing dog, child's pose, rag doll up to sitting, camel, child's pose, downward facing dog, pigeon (left leg and mirroring to class), downward facing dog, child's pose


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