Thursday, August 4, 2011

Kid Updates and then some...

Kids change so much each month, each week, each day...It's very hard to chronicle everything without feeling you're enjoying the moment....especially when that moment is called "teething".

This summer, Julian has...
* learned how to ride a 2-wheeler!  straight from his Strider to a 2-wheeler. so proud.
* rode the seawall with his mommy for the first time
* started writing his name, over and over and over again, backwards, forwards, upside down...
* discovered a love for art...always taking paper from our printer and taping his art on walls
* started piano lessons (actually I think that was in the spring)
* continued to love his swim and soccer activities

This summer, Amélie has...
* a new molar...tooth #9
* discovered a love for jewelry...she snatched the bangles in H&M and shows them off daily
* showed her love of shoes
* started to climb the stairs in the playground and attempt the slide by herself
* started saying: mama, papa, bye, hello, thank you (we think)
* kept her morning and afternoon naps, despite mommy's attempts to drop her morning nap. Don't get me wrong, I love the down time!

On a completely separate note, Melvin's company announced they will be doing 30,000 layoffs this past Monday. It will be over the span of the next couple years, but of course, we're not protected. Conversation of the month: where should we move to next? Spain, perhaps?

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