Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Special Day

Today was a special day. While I realize that I will be one of those women that lie about their age, I didn't feel so bad about "aging" today. Perhaps it was the body wrap and deep tissue massage Melvin treated me to on Sunday? Who knows...Melvin worked from home and I spent the morning with Amélie. We all had lunch together and everyone sang that dreaded song and had cake pops from Starbucks (so good, by the way). 

Once Amélie was down for her nap, Julian and I went on a bike ride. The weather is glorious today - perfect Autumn weather with the sun shining, crisp air and various colored leaves on the ground. otally my favorite season - reminds me of my soccer days. As we were riding, I couldn't believe my eyes that 1) I have a 3 year old. 2) He is able to zip around on a bike without training wheels already. 3) We live in Vancouver, like, another country. 

We rode all the way to English Bay (his distance is getting greater and it's so fun) and I was so happy to be home and enjoy the moment. Moments like these, which I would not have enjoyed had I been stuck in an office or traveling for work. It's really nice to come to that realization over and over again, especially when there are times that I question whether it was the right decision. 

Well, enough of that...I'm very excited for dinner at our favorite French Bistro in the city - 

Café Salade de Fruits. Frog's Legs here I come!

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