Sunday, November 27, 2011

Black Friday

One of the weird things about this week's American Thanksgiving is that I wasn't slaving away in the kitchen. It was weird...but nice! A set of our American friends here hosted us on Black Friday evening and it was great being able to have turkey again, and cranberry sauce again, and mashed potatoes again...I was quite proud of my contribution - Brie en Croute

It was a hit, if I do say so myself. I used some Peach & Vanilla Jam, straight from the Okanagan, which I was nervous about, but I will definitely be making this again. We also brought 2 dozen Krispy Kreme donuts, as I volunteered for my building's "Resident Appreciation Day & Fundraiser" (free donuts) that morning. Indulgence!

Back home in New York, my cousins and I had started a tradition of doing a Black Friday dinner. I think* this would've been our 6th or 7th year? It was typically at the Rojas' home and I made the turkey every year. It was a wonderful tradition, since we got to have a nice sit-down dinner and eat, chat, cook together during the day. Very fun. Well, I missed it again this year, but they skyped me in from my friend's house, which was quite a treat! I don't think they actually missed me (j/k), but I did question their motives when they kept asking me if their turducken (yes, they actually had a turducken - turkey, duck & chicken) looked cooked! Regardless, it was nice to be somewhat of a part of it, since that is probably the holiday/tradition I miss most.

Man, I can't believe I missed a turducken!!

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