Sunday, December 25, 2011

Potty Christmas

Last night, our friends from North Vancouver threw their annual Christmas Party. There were 30 adults and 20 kids and while they have a cozy home, it was a success. Our friends love throwing parties and we're so blessed to have met them almost as soon as we arrived in Vancouver. We've met a lot of people through them and know they can always be counted on for fun, a good meal and play date (they have 2 kids, ages 3 & 1). 

Anyway, lots of food, drink and desserts as usual. Polar Express was shown for the kids, which enabled the adults to be able to eat and talk in peace for awhile. They also had Santa come to distribute gifts for our kids exchange. It was a wonderful night. 

This morning, Julian and Amélie woke up to gifts under the tree from Santa, mommy/papi and Tita May. They played so nicely while Melvin made a pancake breakfast.

So why the Potty Christmas?  WELL, 
Amélie decided this past Wednesday that she wants to start peeing in the toilet. Therefore, today has been the first day since then that we've been home and able to encourage it. Personally, I'm not ready to potty train (she's only 20 months), but this girl has been taking her diapers off since our trip to Hawaii (picture Amélie commando in random Hawaiian food court).  Nevertheless, we don't want to discourage it and who ever said kids care about our schedule?

We had a breakthrough this morning! Amélie finally did #2 in the toilet. Whoo Hoo! The things that excite us these days.

Merry Christmas!

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