Monday, May 31, 2010

EAT! Vancouver

I can't believe I'm missing the EAT! Vancouver Food Festival...

That would've been the best way to welcome our arrival into the city. Oh well, we definitely won't miss it next year!

Vancouver Convention Centre

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Overcoming Sleep Deprivation

We got 6.5 hours last night!!

Thank you
Amélie! My little girl is growing up...

Let's try to do that again tonight.

I must say, even those tough nights make moments like below worth it...

regardless of whether it's 5:00am or not!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Health Insurance Canada

We haven't arrived in B.C. yet, but so far our only complaint is that Canada has a rule where you cannot access their National Healthcare plan for 3 months after moving there. This is the case for immigrants (that would be us) or even nationals that move from province to province (they'd have to go to doctors in their old province for 3 months). Of course, this makes me crazy considering we have a newborn - one that needs vaccinations. Unfortunately, my Pfizer insurance does us no good over the border. We had to buy private insurance for the 3 months and that solves the problem.

I found this website very useful -

Let's see how we adjust to National Healthcare...the insurance guy on the phone was laughing at all of Melvin's nervous questions about referrals, prescriptions and access to any doctor, etc. so maybe that's a good sign.

I'll keep you updated!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


As we are going through our things, we realize how much we've accumulated...things we DON'T need. It feels so great to purge our house and really ask ourselves what we need and don't need. We're moving from a townhouse to an apartment, so this question is very important during our move. Questions such as, do I really need 3 woks? Or, wow, where did that electric water boiler come from? Or, gosh, why didn't we ever install that portable bidet in the toilet? I am trying to imagine how it'd be if we were moving from a 4 bedroom house...actually, I'd rather not imagine that!

Next time you find yourself in a Home Goods or Target, ask I really need that?


[hawrd, hohrd] —Related forms: hoarder, noun

a supply or accumulation that is hidden or carefully guarded for preservation, future use, etc.: a vast hoard of silver.
–verb (used with object)
to accumulate for preservation, future use, etc., in a hidden or carefully guarded place: to hoard food during a shortage.
–verb (used without object)
to accumulate money, food, or the like, in a hidden or carefully guarded place for preservation, future use, etc.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Move Date

I've never booked a one-way flight before. It is very bizarre. We settled our move date - we fly out bright and early on Wednesday, June 23rd. It would've been nice to leave a day or two later; however, fare prices were more than double. Isn't it sad that we based our decision on a cheaper fare?

My one gripe on the whole thing (aside from the fact it's at 7:00 a.m.) is that the flight is being operated by Air Canada, instead of Continental. They won't select our seat assignments for us and we need to do it at the airport! My Gold Status with Continental is not getting me anywhere today.

Before I sign off, I have a travel tip - is a wonderful tool that has every plane listed and comments on the pros/cons of seats on specific flights. For example, this seat doesn't recline, this seat has limited overhead space, leg room, etc. Use it and enjoy!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

No PB&Js for Julian

Due to popular demand (based on the poll to the right), stories about the kids are being requested. The latest update is that Julian is allergic to nuts. It was confirmed yesterday by an allergist (we are obviously going to every doctor we can think of before we leave the country).

Great things in life he'll be missing out on:


...Ritz PB crackers

...Pistachio Ice Cream (one of my faves)

...Melvin's PB & Vanilla Ice Cream concoction (some of you know what I'm talking about, so gross)

...Aimee's cookies & brownies with walnuts

...95% of a Thai restaurant menu

...Kare Kare

...and other things I can't think of right now!

I am happy it's not milk or eggs or the dreaded Celiac's Disease that many children battle. It's just that some of the things on the list above are so darn good. - Did you know that the FDA exempts highly refined peanut oil from being labeled as an allergen? Thank goodness because that's what almost all eateries fry their french fries in!!

Casa Rojas

We signed a lease today! Melvin and I just got back from a celebratory dinner as we're extremely excited we landed a 3-bedroom apartment when everyone we spoke to from Vancouver thought it'd be impossible.

Random thoughts are racing through my mind:

- We won't have to move twice (thought for sure temp housing was in the cards)!
- Our kids won't be displaced more than they already would be in a big move...
- We can start changing our accounts to the new address...
- The trip in early June will not be for apartment hunting, but it'll be to check out the new digs...
- Floor to ceiling windows, views from every room, pool/fitness center/kids playground/garden on the 2nd floor, community center one block away (this seems to be a big deal over there), 2 parking spots, organic produce market downstairs, waterfront one block away, 6-acre park across the street, restaurants/bars/clubs galore all around!
- Melvin told me he's going to miss Dominican food today; does this mean I need to learn how to cook moro & pernil??
- Our very close friends will be visiting us the first weekend we are there! How great is that??

Come visit us!! I ordered an Aerobed today :)

PS - Rol & Maeann, we can't thank you enough! We're going to that sushi place when we get there.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Yaletown vs. Coal Harbour

Rol & Maeann were able to view two places yesterday. We lost one to another candidate, but Rol said it would've been too small for us. I'm not sure if that made me feel better, but I guess it wasn't meant to be. The other place is a townhouse in Coal Harbour (pics attached). They really liked it, so we are hopeful.

Today, he'll be viewing two more places. One is in Yaletown and the other is close to Chinatown (this is our backup as the owner is waiting for the "right" tenant. I think I managed to charm him and he is willing to hold it for us, but I think it's WAY too small. Nevertheless, it's a roof over our heads if nothing else works).

Our top picks would be the townhouse (above) vs. this apartment in Yaletown pending Rol & Maeann's blessing today. YouTube Tour:

We are hoping we're the top candidates for both units and our only issue would be which neighborhood to live in, but that's only if we're the luckiest people on the planet. Our disadvantage is not being physically in Vancouver, as it makes credit checks/approvals more complicated. If we are up against Canadian candidates, they are likely to pick them. Sheesh, I thought renting in NYC was tough!! We hope to have some good news by end of week; otherwise, we're back to Square One! Wish us luck!

Would love your comments on what you think of the two units shown OR if you have any insight on the neighborhoods mentioned!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

No Pressure...

The hunt for an apartment in Vancouver is quite stressful. The amount of 3 bedroom units are extremely limited in the downtown area, which is where we want to be!

Our good friend, Roland, is in Vancouver and is going to check out 3 units for us tomorrow. We can't wait to hear back.

No pressure, Rol, no pressure...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

To Do List

We've received concrete information regarding Melvin's position in Vancouver and things are moving along rather quickly. He starts July 5th; therefore, our goal is to move end of June! We have lots to do...

1 - Find an apartment
2 - Find an international moving company
3 - Purge our house of junk
4 - Sell unwanted items (or items that won't fit in an apartment)
5 - Find someone to swap lease our 2nd car for the remainder of our lease - anyone interested?
6 - Book plane tickets for a) apartment hunt and b) final move
7 - Get moving budget approved by Melvin's company
8 - Say our goodbyes - a rush of BBQs have filled our calendar!
9 - Secure closing date on our house
10 - Did I mention find an apartment?? Ahhh, how does one do that 3,000 mi away?

I'm trying not to let the lack of control get to me...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Crossing the Border...

Travel has become so complicated! I no longer have to just worry about myself, but I need to worry about my husband and two kids too...sheesh, I miss being selfish. Gone are the days that I am able to book a weekend trip to Barcelona to visit a friend, the week prior (sigh, I am reminiscing as I type this, Erica!).

Today, we applied for Amélie's first passport (she is 4 weeks old). Yes folks, you DO need a passport for Canada and you DO need a passport no matter what age you are. We still don't have a move date or much information, but I was frantic as I know these things take time!


* Minors (under 16) may not apply for their first passport by mail, so moms & dads, take the day off because you both need to be there. BOTH parents/guardians need to be present when applying for an infant's passport. Supermoms, you cannot do this task alone! You will need baby's birth certificate/proof of citizenship, evidence of relationship to the minor, Photo IDs of parents/guardians and two (2) passport pictures.

* Original Birth Certificate - mandatory to if you think you're getting on a plane with your kid the week after he/she is born, you're mistaken. New York City Dept. of Health is particularly slow: 4-6 weeks for a birth certificate!

* You must send the original birth certificate with the application. Don't worry! They will send it back with the passport. It is nerve-wracking sending original documents, but it'll be fine.

* Social Security - you need the number for the application! Quicker than dept. of health, but not quick enough!

* Passport Photo - you need to get creative for this. Your hands (holding baby up) cannot be in photo, so either hold the baby under the onesie/shirt OR bring a white blanket so you can lay it out on a table and take a stress-free picture of your infant.

* Form DS-11: This is the form you need for minors under 16 of age.

* You can expedite a passport for $60 extra and it takes 2-3 weeks door to door. Without expediting, it takes 4-6 weeks.

* Apply at your local post office (call and inquire if you need an appt. and if they facilitate passport applications) or Regional Passport Agency. Bring personal checks!

Happy Travels!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

...the sight of my husband cooking at 7:30 a.m. 2-year old helping set the table

...French Toast, Berries & Mango Smoothies

...breakfast together in our pajamas

...the baby taking a peaceful nap

...a lazy, sunny day with no crazy plans, appointments or errands

...dinner reservations at a new Turkish restaurant, Ephendi

What more could I ask for?

My Mother, my friend so dear, throughout my life you’re always near, a tender smile to guide my way, you’re the sunshine to light my day. R.I.P. Mom, you are not forgotten...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Decisions, Decisions...

My husband's company and managers are so accommodating...When approached about the likelihood of a transfer to Vancouver, they jumped through hoops to make it happen. The question was, is this the right thing for our family and is this the right time?

1 - According to Economist Intelligence Unit (, Vancouver is rated as World's Most Livable City!'s_most_livable_cities

The Economist's World's Most Livable Cities 2010 (Top 10)
10AucklandNew Zealand95.7

2 - We accepted an offer on our house in early April and are closing end of June, so we are making a change to our living arrangements anyway.

3 - Melvin's home office is rumored to be closing in the next year or so, therefore, we'd be forced to move to Chicago or Buffalo OR leave the company when that happens.

4 - Kids are still young and not in school, so they would not hate us for making them leave their friends.

5 - I am currently unemployed so I would not hate Melvin for making me leave my job/career/paycheck.

6 - Tired of the rat race!

1 - We'd be far from friends & family (but absence makes the heart grow fonder).

2 - It's scary to move to a place where you don't know anyone.

3 - Smaller living quarters as we'd want to be downtown and will be renting an apartment.

So we have it...we're moving! I have mixed feelings about it all; however, it is definitely exciting and we are hoping for many visitors, so we can share our new life with them. AND, we plan to be back because New York is New York and there's lots to miss (I'll save that for a future post).

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