Monday, November 29, 2010

Disney on Ice

Such a great show for the kids! I highly recommend it. We went to a show yesterday afternoon at the Pacific National Exhibition in Vancouver.  It was super chill and casual, so that the kids could get up whenever they need to, eat/drink as needed and go for potty breaks easily.  It was a nice way to end the weekend.

Auntie Char left us this past Saturday and it was sad to see her go.  We look forward to May when she'll be back with cousins and significant others...for an Alaskan Cruise!  6 more months!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Filipino Foodies...

This is for you!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy U.S. Thanksgiving

We didn't have an official Thanksgiving this year, as we were in NY during the Canadian Thanksgiving and are in Vancouver during the U.S. Thanksgiving.  My sis has been here visiting this week, but today we're doing an unconventional Turkey Day.  For one, we're not having turkey...we're doing like the Jews do on Christmas and ordering Chinese food...and blueberry pie, of course.  Can't wait!

We are also decorating our Christmas tree (we never pass up my sister's presence, as she does most of the work)...Melvin "worked" from home today, while we watched some football, checked out a consignment shop and looked at the unusual snow falling onto Vancouver's roads.  Vancouverites cannot handle snow!  I saw a VW Golf spin out on 1/2 inch of snow this morning during a walk I was taking...seriously?

All in all, it has been so nice to not fight over whose family to visit and when during this holiday season!  Or, having to load the kids up to visit one house after the other, ruining nap times, etc. in the process...

Here's to our first Thanksgiving in Vancouver! 

Monday, November 22, 2010


We went to Whistler for the night, since my sister is in town.  We had some good times ziplining on Whistler Mountain with Ziptrek Ecotours.  I had been ziplining in Costa Rica 5 years ago, but between my older age and two kids later, I'm definitely not as ballsy. Maybe it was the snow, the fact the trail was slippery or perhaps the 1100 foot lines?  It took awhile, but I finally loosened up and even went upside down on the last line.  Good times! This particular company is big on sustainability and the environment so it was quite educational and our money went towards charity.  I highly recommend it!

Whistler rocks...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

La Niña

La Niña has arrived to the Pacific Northwest…
This week, Vancouver metro received snow two nights in a row, which is extremely abnormal.  It is quite common for an entire year to pass with no snow in sight.  When it does come, it doesn’t stay very long, which is fine with me.

La Niña is associated with cooler than normal water temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean, unlike El Niño which is associated with warmer than normal water.  In the continental US, during El Niño years, temperatures in the winter are warmer than normal in the North Central States, and cooler than normal in the Southeast and the Southwest. During a La Niña year, winter temperatures are warmer than normal in the Southeast and cooler than normal in the Northwest. 

Speaking of La Niña, my younger sister arrived last night for a week-long visit.  We have a ton of fun things planned this week!  She is out getting a $40 90-minute massage now and this morning, we took her by the beaches and Stanley Park for pictures, followed by the Vancouver Baker’s Market.  When she returns, we'll walk along the seawall and go for dinner at Nu Restaurant, which specializes in seafood and foods found within 100 miles from here.  We got a table right on the water in False Creek, so it should be a great first night.

The snow will also benefit our trip to Whistler tomorrow, as it forced the resort area to open the season early!!  We got really lucky getting a room at "off-season" pricing and then having the resort start its winter season a week early.

Updates on our trip to follow...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Xanax please?!?!

...or any drug should do.

I thought my 2-hour journey to Washington and back this morning with a crying baby in the back would take me over the edge.  I got through that just fine, but then my toddler realized he is now 3-yrs old and doesn't want to take his afternoon nap.  I am not having that - I worked too hard to get them both on the same nap schedule and that is my time to get some work done, surf the net, shop online, cook , etc.  That was easy though...lock him in his room for 2 hours of "quiet time".  He decided to pee in his underwear twice. No problem!  Let's change those bad boys.  What did it for me was the 90 minute tantrum...while trying to cook dinner for 3...and puree food for 1, while Julian asked for every food item we didn't have in the house and while Amelie let out massive cries in her frustration to sit up, crawl and move her chubby little bum.

Someone get me a glass of red wine pronto!  It should go nicely with the burnt quinoa.

I will be escaping to the infrared sauna tonight...for a few hours.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I've been doing some marketing for my friend's beauty clinic for a few months now.  I had a very important task this past weekend...

She was trying to target a new market segment: Strippers.  Off we went, trying to sell some treatments to some of the strippers in town (hey, this recession is requiring some desperate measures).  Naturally, we ventured to the fanciest strip joint in town - Brandi's

This was actually the place where Ben Affleck allegedly cheated on JLo. That's right, I got to see the private room and all.  Melvin was quite jealous...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Happy Birthday...

Julian!  I can't believe you are 3 years old today!

Julian had a month long celebration for his birthday with a small dinner celebration in NY last month to cake & ice skating with his twin friends yesterday, a birthday play date today and treats with his class tomorrow.  We are cutting the sugar off tomorrow afternoon!

Amélie turned 7 months today and started crawling.  Yay for getting old!

Boga Yoga at The Beaumont Studios

Before I get into my yoga update, I wanted to share the disadvantage of too many glass walls and windows in your home.  As I was giving Julian a time out in our "solarium" yesterday, I turned around to storm off...right into the glass wall.  I'm talkin' cheek on glass, stubbed toe, the works.  Needless to say, that ended the time out very quickly with a burst of laughter from Melvin, Julian and even Amélie.

Moving on...I taught my first class at The Beaumont Studios tonight.  Melvin came out for support and I had 6 people in total.  I taught an hour long class under candlelight and I think it went pretty well.  Teaching is definitely tiring though, especially after a full day with the kids...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Infrared Sauna

We've been ecstatic that our building just built an infrared sauna.  After the kids are asleep, we take turns going down to use it either before or after a gym workout or swim.  It's pretty damn awesome.

What is the different between this and a regular sauna you ask? An infrared sauna is a sauna that uses heaters emitting far infrared radiant heat. Unlike traditional Finnish Saunas, infrared saunas do not use steam, (which heats the air, and thereby the user), but instead use infrared radiation to directly heat the user.  It is the same heat the sun emits, but without harmful UV rays.

It is the same heat that is used for newborns in the "warmer" at the hospital and in incubators for premature babies.  There are so many advantages to using an infrared sauna that a lot of spas and wellness centers are building them these days.  

  • Removes Toxins
  • Reduces Stress
  • Improves Skin - clears cellulite, tones & hydrates cells and pores
  • Burns Calories - as much as 600 calories or more in a 30 minutes session
  • Pain Relief - Arthritis, muscle spasms, joint stiffness, sprains
  • Strengthens Cardiovascular System - stabilizes blood pressure, heart rate, cardiac output and increases metabolic rate

With that said, if you come out for a visit, don't forget your swimsuit!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Remembrance Day

We had a great laugh at this!

Today was "Remembrance Day" in Canada; Veteran's Day in the U.S.  Everyone was on holiday and we were going to head to Seattle for a long weekend.  However, I was talking to a friend and she was like, Uh, you know everyone will be on the road right?  That's all she had to say to change our plans.  I'm not trying to sit in the car for 3 hours just to cross the border, which should only take 45 minutes.  We'll have to reschedule for another time, when people are working!

Instead, we headed to Stevenston Village, a fisherman's marina in Richmond, B.C.  We had a great time in this very cute village and dined on some fish n chips, of course.  The fishing boats line up each day on the dock and sell salmon, tuna, shrimp and crabs right off their boats.  I love it.

Then, we went up to North Vancouver while the kids napped in the car and found the Salmon Hatchery, which is where the salmon are trying to swim upstream.  It is very similar to the facility in Seattle, which I went to awhile back.  Always very interesting to see and I recommend everyone to check something like this out one day.

When the kids woke up, we headed to the Vancouver Aquarium. Julian didn't know where to run between the jelly fish, dolphin show and beluga whale.  It was a great time.

This had to be the most eventful Veteran's Day / Remembrance Day I've ever had in my life!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What's in a Name?

Julian was drawing quietly last night...

Mommy:  Hey Julian, what are you drawing?
Julian: I'm drawing Papi's name.
Mommy: Oh yeah?  What is Papi's name?
Julian: His name is Melvin.  I'm drawing mommy's name too!
Mommy: Wow...What is Mommy's name?
Julian: Babe.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Colonics Continued

There have been a lot of questions offline about the medical viewpoint and insurance coverage of colonics.  This is what I know and then I'm totally done with this topic :)

Doctors: They usually want a scientific answer and/or benefit of something.  I am not sure  if doctors really know too much about the irrigation part of it and its benefits, (unless one researches and/or does it, right?), but most do know that the colon is somehow associated with the state of our health.  I would be interested to hear a viewpoint of one that has actually tried it.  Here are some statements that I've researched and heard of. 
Footnote: I've spoken to 3 hydrotherapists, 1 naturopathic doctor and asked about what they have talked to MDs about.  I also checked out WebMD. Melvin felt it was important I made my sources clear :)

Remember: To each his own. I am just stating what I've researched.

1- It is not natural. Totally fair, but well, neither are surgeries, neither are the toxins and chemicals and pesticides that we are ingesting these days.  Removing a gallbladder and,  moreso, without explaining to patients what the function of a gallbladder is, is also not "natural".  Just because the removal of a gallbladder  or appendix are totally normal surgeries these days does not mean they are natural either. 

2- It makes the muscles down there lazy and people rely on the procedure to go to the bathroom.  I know from experience that this is not true as for the first time since toddlerhood, I'm actually going everyday!  I also know 8 people that have gotten this procedure done and all can attest that this statement is false.

3- You lose probiotics (good bacteria) during the procedure. Yes, this is absolutely true.  This is like how chemotherapy kills your bad cells, as well as your good.  Your good and bad bacteria get cleansed out during the procedure.  This is why it's particularly important to take acidophilis (pill or liquid form) for  at least 2 days after.  However, most of us, as adults, should be taking acidophilis (good bacteria) everyday anyway.  Even both my kids take it.

Now, in regards to insurance...I've actually been able to get 90% covered through extended insurance.  So far, Canada rocks with that.  In the US it's not covered.  I believe that anything preventative (aside from a yearly physical exam once a year) is not covered in the US and people get treated for pre-existing conditions, for the most part.  Again, you go in with a stuffy nose, that is what they look at.  So dumb and so controversial, I'm not going to get into it.  

Not to mention, if you do feel something is wrong, you need to jump through hoops to get the proper tests covered by insurance for it (speaking from my mom's experience).  At the end of the day, prevention is the key word.  I know people that were put on diabetes medicine before they got diabetes "because it runs in their family".  How is that right? Also, how many people out there are on crazy strong acne medicine that causes depression, infertility, etc.  My only thoughts on this is look to the internal cleansing first...before reaching for that prescription. Most of us don't want to change our diets and lifestyles (trust me, I'm one of them)'s a tough call.

Medicine costs more later when you really, really need it, so why not "do what we can" now. without the use of prescription meds...At the end of the day, this is the reason I'm so open to alternative medicine, as well as organic foods.  Do what we can, right?

Okay...moving on to the next thing...til next time!

Monday, November 8, 2010


Mommy & Julian working on the Rangoli

I'm going to take a bit of a break from all the poop talk...

This weekend, Vancouver had many celebrations for the Indian holiday of Diwali. Diwali is popularly known as the festival of lights, which is a five-day festival in Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism. Diwali is the most important festival of the year for Hindus.  

We are lucky enough to live right across the street from the Roundhouse Community Centre, which hosts the largest celebration in downtown Vancouver.  Yesterday, we witnessed some very talented Bhangra dancers, Mendhi artists, painters, sari designers and, of course, an assortment of Northern & Southern Indian snacks.  It was so great to see people of all types of ethnic backgrounds enjoy the event.

Above, Julian and I were contributing to making the Rangoli, which is a traditional folk art in India, often using symbols to signify different things.  This Rangoli above is made out of dyed rice!!  Pretty amazing, huh?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Not for the faint-hearted...

If you have an aversion to poop, I would skip reading this...:)  Also, please do not read if you feel you'll get so grossed out and then later give me crap about it! :)

Many of you have asked me to write about my colonic irrigation journey.  I don't blame you, it's a  fascinating topic, whether you want to admit it to me or not.  This is going to be information overload, but it's so important to share and document.  I want to be clear that this is not about weight loss, it's about your overall health.

Also, my colon is far from being at the state of where it should be and my diet could use major help too.  For me, it's just good to be aware.  It helps you become aware of your body and its energy too.

- 80% of your energy goes towards digestion.  If you have a clean colon, this energy can be better distributed to your blood, glands, brain, motor functions, etc.
- Our colon houses up to 25 lbs. of waste.  That's right folks, you read it right.
- Health begins in the colon.  Toxins are absorbed by the colon, so this is where diseases start, if our waste is not properly eliminated.
- We are supposed to have 2-3 bowel movements a day.  It has become the norm in our society to go once every 2-3 days.  In fact, the definition of constipation has recently been changed by doctors that you are not considered constipated until you have reached 4 days.  WHAT??
- Bad breath and acne are often a sign of an unhealthy colon.

Okay, so on to the procedure and my experience...Picture a lasagna pan after a huge dinner with the family.  No one ever wants to wash it out.  All that build up can be a pain in the ass to scrub off and often times, you need a Brillo Pad to get that bad boy cleaned.  So what do you do?  Let it soak...That pan is your colon after how many years of build up...a colonic is the "soaking" to eventually (after a series of treatments) get that build up out of your body.

Here is another scenario for those of you that are parents.  You know the baby's first poop?  The meconium?  THAT is what has stuck to the sides of our colons after so many years.  The reason the baby has that first poop like that is because that was the build up from the 9 months he/she was in the womb.  Do you remember how hard it was to clean that first changing?  

Colonic Irrigation by definition is also known as hydrotherapy of the colon, high colonic, entero-lavage, or simply colonic. It is the process of cleansing the colon by passing several gallons of water through it with the use of special equipment. It is similar to an enema but treats the whole colon, not just the lower bowel. This has the effect of flushing out impacted fecal matter, toxins, mucous, and even parasites, that often build up over the passage of time. It is a procedure that should only be undertaken by a qualified practitioner.  

Here is a picture to help you out.  Usually, an enema only clears out the Descending Colon, but this procedure irrigates the entire thing. 

Moving on, this is why our poop is in all sorts of shapes and sizes when we "release".  :) Here is a video from the man who invented the colonoscopy procedure.  Warning:  The video is a bit dry, but does show live footage of colons from individuals with breast cancer, gout, etc.  You can see the difference between their colon and a healthy one.  Click here for your viewing pleasure.

Okay, my brain is totally dead from writing this.  I think I covered most of what I've learned.  Here are some tidbits from my personal experience.

- On my 1st colonic, I got rid of 3-4 lbs of waste.
- On my 3rd colonic, I had 3 feet of waste come out and on my 4th colonic, I had more!
- I saw waste that included yeast, candida (these are the organisms that are "carb eaters" which are the reason we crave carbs.  They are VERY hard to kill as you need to go off carbs for weeks), acid and a bunch of other fun things.
- On my 4th colonic, I saw undigested food, which means I was making major progress and actually cleaning a bit of my small intestine.
- I've also done 3 colonics with a "coffee soak", which goes right through the Portal Vein directly connecting the colon to the liver.  This automatically cleans your liver which makes the toxins from the bile go directly through you colon and out.  I found this to be extremely successful as I could feel the acidity of the bile (I thought the coffee was actually hot but found out later it was the acidity I was feeling!).  Also, the bile toxins is what actually goes into your gallbladder making gallstones, which are actually cholesterol crystals!! Our gallbladders hold 500-2000 of these stones!  I have high cholesterol so this is particularly insane to me.  The second I am done nursing, I'm going to do the gallbladder cleanse, so I'll let you know how it goes.

 Gallstones in Gallbladder!

If you decide to do a colonic irrigation, I recommend doing a juice or raw food diet for 2-3 days prior to your FIRST one.  Again, picture the lasagna pan, the first couple appointments are to "soak" and loosen up your build up from however many years of life you've lived.  I heard if you do a raw food diet for 6 weeks with a colonic once a week, you can lose 25-30 lbs in a healthy way.  I am not doing this because I need my cooked food and I'm nursing.

Okay, my brain is fried from this post.  Feel free to chat with me about this and I could recommend a place in NYC that my sister has tried.  There are also places in Philly that do this, which I've found online for a friend, but I don't know anyone that has tried it yet.  Good luck!

Addition (2 hours later) - I forgot to mention some pretty cool things that the people administering my procedure have seen come through the observation tube.
* Barbie shoe
* Comic strip from a bazooka wrapper
* Meat from a vegetarian of 8 years
* Clam, which my sis saw yesterday and she hasn't had clams since Sept.  Chew your food, girl!

Monday, November 1, 2010

East Meets West

I've been learning a lot about Eastern and holistic medicine and practices lately.  Melvin thinks I'm absolutely nuts; however, a lot of the beliefs and ways just "make sense".  Also, Eastern Medicine is at least 2,000 years old, so I don't think we Westerners have a right to judge if it's been working for that long already...

Vancouver is busting at the seams with Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic clinics, as well as Naturopathic Doctors.  We've been to a couple of places and here are some things I've noticed and learned.

  1. The practitioner always makes it a point to learn about not just you, but your parents, your grandparents, your history, what you eat, what you poop, lifestyle, etc.  They treat you as a whole, not just the stuffy nose you came in with on that day.  This is HUGE, from my point of view.  It means they are trying to get to the root of the problem and not just giving you antibiotics for your "symptom". 
  2. Your body's energy and emotional stability affects your organs and health in more ways than you think.  Stress is a major killer, which we all know, right?  However, from what I've learned recently, it's worse than we could have ever imagined.  This is why acupuncture and acupressure is so good for you as it releases blocked energy (qi) within your body.
  3. Cupping is a wonderful method to release "knots" in your neck, shoulders or wherever.  It also releases stagnant blood.
  4. 90% of your health is a reflection of your colon's health.  Notice how pediatricians ask how a baby poops?  They are concerned about the consistency, color, frequency, etc.  Well, as an adult, when was the last time a doctor asked about your poop?  Guess what? It is just, if not more, important now!!
  5. 80% of our body's energy is spent on digestion.  Again, goes back to the colon...if our colon is clean and healthy, this energy can be used by our brains, blood flow, glands, etc. and our energy will be better distributed.  When a baby or child is sick, don't force them to eat!!  This is what my parents, grandparents, etc would always do, but it makes things worse!  Their little bodies need all the energy they can get to HEAL - lots of fluids and don't force solids on them!
  6. Vitamin D deficiency is a MAJOR problem these days, especially during cloudy winters in places like Vancouver.  Make sure you are getting at least 1000-2000 IUs of Vitamin D daily.  To give you an example, baby supplements are usually only 400 IUs, which is not enough, especially for breastfed babies.  Vitamin D can help boost immune systems (making bodies stronger against allergies) and create good bone structure.  I recently discovered Julian is bow legged and our Naturopath is boosting his Vitamin D to help with this.  We are also going to get it checked out structurally today, but hopefully it helps!
  7. I wondered why it was quite hard to find a naturopathic doctor in NY and apparently there are all these licensing laws that make it way too hard to open a clinic there, which is a shame.  300 naturopathic doctors graduate in British Columbia alone each year.   
  8. I would add more but I think Julian is about to run over his little sister right now!!!
Conclusion:  Get your colons cleaned!  Yes, I have my 4th colonic irrigation appointment tomorrow night.  I will blog about the benefits of this and my experience later, but all joking aside, it is totally important for your body to have a clean colon.  Food for thought...

Happy Halloween! And the winner is...

Kristen!  Congratulations (Julian picked the name out of a hat today) and a coupon voucher will be sent to you shortly!  Let me know what you end up buying :)

Thanks to those that submitted a comment and, of course, thank you for reading!  I have a ton of topics to write about this week, just sorting them through my mind.


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