Thursday, April 28, 2011


the feeling you get after lugging 2 toddlers on a double stroller onto the subway, filling out papers at our new doctor for the entire family, and then heading to Whole Foods. Then, with kids, stroller and groceries in hand (both hands), getting back on the subway, unloading groceries and cooking dinner, while talking on the phone.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Growth Spurt?

This is how we found Amelie in the morning....

These PJs fit her when I put her to bed...I SWEAR!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday...

is a bank holiday in Canada, so Melvin has the day off!

I think the weather has rounded its spring/summer corner because the sun has been shining all week, so I'm really looking forward to the summer now.

This morning, we ventured to North Vancouver and checked out Maplewood Farm.  What a super cute place!  They had mini tractors with pedals, so Julian loved those and we were able to visit with goats, rabbits, chickens, horses and all your typical farm animals. They really let you get up close and personal at this place! We brought carrots to feed the rabbits and then fed ourselves in the little gazebo with picnic tables at the farm.  

Julian is not crazy about animals, since we're not usually around them, so it was quite amusing watching him get upset when Amélie was walking around...he kept saying "Carry her! Protect her! The cow is going to eat her"!  

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Disadvantage to working from home...

Typical conference call scenario:

Coleen chatting away....


Coleen wondering, WTF?  Turns around to see Amélie's finger coming off the hang up button.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cuba - the end of an era...

It has been my long desire to travel to Cuba...Melvin has not wanted to make the trek with me, as American Citizens...To read more on the US embargo against Cuba, click here.  Americans are banned from travelling to Cuba for the purpose of tourism, but there are ways around this, such as 1) travelling a 2-leg flight or 2) applying for a specific license for one of the following reasons:

  • Persons visiting immediate family in Cuba

  • Full-time graduate students conducting academic research to be counted toward a graduate degree

  • Undergraduate or graduate students participating in a study abroad program of at least 10 weeks in length

  • Professors/teachers employed at a US institution travelling to Cuba to teach

  • Persons engaging in religious activities

  • Freelance journalists

  • Persons engaging in humanitarian projects

  • Persons engaging in non-profit cultural exhibitions

     It is even possible for an individual with a credible background in, say, freelance journalism or academics, to craft a "mission" for their visit which successfully gets them a permit.  Anyway, we are clearly not journalists or humanitarians and Melvin was not keen on chancing a 2-leg flight and getting caught, so what do we do?

    I was / am quite excited to apply for permanent residency and then citizenship, solely for the purpose of having a Canadian passport. Then, I can finally live out my dream of visiting Cuba!  I have met many Canadians that have been there multiple times and have only heard great things...

    Today, I found out that Raul Castro succeeds Fidel as Communist Party Chief and it is in effect today.  I feel that this will bring a lot of change; hopefully all for the good, while retaining the unique things visitors are in awe of when the go there, like the architecture, old cars, paladares (locally owned restaurants in private homes) and safety (because it is Communist, there is low tolerance for violence/crime).
  • Monday, April 18, 2011

    NHL Playoffs

    Seriously? Are Canadians not aware of the fact that other sports exist?

    The NHL Playoffs are happening now and lucky us, we live down the road from Rogers Arena. Therefore, we're subject the crazies in the Royal Blue Canucks jerseys.  That part doesn't bother me as much as the fact EVERY bar, lounge, restaurant seems to have plasma TVs on each wall showing a hockey game!!....EVERY night (or so it feels).

    I went out with a bunch of ladies I met on Saturday night and we went to a lounge that seemed to turn into a strange dance club after a certain hour. How weird was it that a hockey game was showing before the DJ took the stage? 

    Random Note: The biggest difference between a baby boy and a baby girl (at least in my case) is that the boy is able to sleep perfectly fine in a poopy diaper, while the girl screams bloody murder to be changed ASAP.

    Thursday, April 14, 2011

    Milestone Moments

    It is incredible to believe that my sweet Amélie is turning ONE tomorrow! Her first year definitely went by way quicker than Julian's first year...Why?  I have no idea. Perhaps I savored the moments more with her knowing/thinking it'll be the "last time" I get to enjoy each "first" smile, clap, crawl, step, etc. Or, maybe it was because I was home with her and was able to appreciate each "present moment", rather than always being a frantic state trying to prepare food, clothes, bottles for the next day at daycare or for a trip away. Time works in mysterious ways...

    Tomorrow, we'll be celebrating with a birthday party at the Woodwards Building in Gastown.  They have a cool indoor/outdoor rooftop lounge/deck area and it should be fun for the kids, as well as adults. We're expecting about 30 people, which is a good size and nowhere close to the 90 we had at Julian's 1st birthday!  Maybe that's why I haven't started cooking or preparing anything yet!

    I should probably get started...

    Tuesday, April 12, 2011


    There is an Orange Julius / Dairy Queen store a block from our apartment building. When we first moved I didn't really blink twice when I saw it. I associate DQ with ghetto urban areas, in a Checkers and White Castle kind of way. Man, did I miss out in the first half of my year here!

    Melvin finally twisted my arm and made me try a Blizzard and the creamy goodness just brought me back...back to I don't know where, but just brought me to a good place, I guess!  DQ has really reinvented itself here in Canada. You see a line out the door on a regular basis and it is not even summer yet. We do regular DQ runs, which is SO bad, but here's the best part....

    It's favorite flavor right now is the Banana Split and Melvin's is the Double Fudge Cookie Dough.  Hmm, Hmm, Good!

    TIDBIT: If you join the Blizzard Fan Club (and yes, we did), you get a 2 for 1 (any size, yes even the large) AND you get a free Blizzard on your birthday!!

    Monday, April 11, 2011

    Love Hate

    My sis is engaged and I've been trying to help her figure out dates and venues in the NY region. I love that it is not even 8:00 AM PST and I'm able to correspond via email with 3 various venues and a caterer and am getting responses. This is how we get things done!  (obviously this is a trait that is lacking in Canadian culture)

    Since we arrived, I've been venting that the barristas at Starbucks wouldn't survive a second in NYC!

    This "sense of urgency" and world of blackberries, however, is one of the reasons I wanted to leave that rat race. I definitely do not miss the hum of my blackberry throughout the night or the post-it notes by my bedside table in case I remembered things for work (hey, I am a meeting planner).  I wonder where in the world we can find that balance?

    Saturday, April 9, 2011

    Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival

    This week flew by...the sun was shining so we were out and about all week. Wednesday, Melvin and I had a date night and took our bikes out on the seawall to enjoy the cherry blossoms blooming. It was also Vancouver's 125th birthday, so not realizing it was happening, we rode by the Olympic torches, which were lit up and the outdoor concert. What a great night to be out on the bike.

    I FINALLY found a family we could babysit swap with, so my friend came over and insisted we stay out late so she could watch this movie she brought over.  No problem. They have 2 kids exactly the same age (in fact, their little one has the same birthday as Amelie) and having the same nap and bedtime schedules helped a ton. So, it is now Friday night and I'm sitting for them. 

    They have no TV.


    All good, free date nights are well worth this sacrifice.

    Tuesday, April 5, 2011

    March Madness

    Last night a friend of mine had a March Madness Finals Party...

    I haven't watched one game nor have kept track of who was winning, losing and so forth...

    Who cares?

    I love wine and cheese, home made cookies and adult interaction, so we dialed the babysitter and we were there! It would've been 10 times better if I had a bet riding on the game.

    I rooted for UConn...Why?  Well, because Melvin and I had our first kiss at UConn...duh, why else? 

    Melvin rooted for UConn too.  Why? Well, the best player was from the Bronx. Humph.

    Winner?  UConn!

    Friday, April 1, 2011

    Summer is near...

    After a week of GRAY, yesterday was sunny and glorious at about 75 degrees. It was wonderful and of course, everyone was out in their kayaks, paddle surfboards, bikes and skates. Julian met up with "his best buds" at the playground - two of them had scooters and one was on his walking bike (i.e. Strider).  It was hilarious as they were the kings of the playground, racing around on their wheels, and trying to make conversation with these 3 girls, who were about 8 years older than them...while the girls told them to go away. 

    In other Julian news...his teachers had to separate him and his girlfriend, Alyssa, for 30 minutes yesterday. Turns out they are just stuck like glue, inseparable, and are not interacting with any of the other children. They found tremendous improvement in his "drawings" after they were went from scribble to nice circles and shapes. hahaha...I don't know what to think of all that.

    I think we are going to have our hands full with him!

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