Saturday, May 14, 2011

Under the Weather

It's been a long-ish week, which is why I haven't really blogged.  The kids (and now Melvin and I) are fighting a bit of a cold. We also got an insane amount of rain this week, talk about April showers in May. Also, my family's highly anticipated visit is coming up on Friday (my sis, her fiance, cousin, her husband & baby, aunt & uncle). What does that mean?

8 adults + 3 kids in one apartment

Needless to say, it should be interesting...but FUN! I'm trying to stock up the freezer and fridge, as always, and we've been dreading the cleaning that needs to happen before they arrive. Time to whip out the Aerobeds! I also got called to substitute for a 90-minute Yin Yoga class this afternoon. I've only ever just taught a 60 minute class, so I'm really nervous. Luckily, postures are held for 3-7 minutes and will be making sure I put a cheat sheet under my mat!

We checked out an amazing veggie restaurant last night called The Naam.  It's a Vancouver institution and it was awesome...even Melvin (veggie hater until he met me) really liked it. The line was out the door, surprisingly, and we quickly learned why it was open 24/7.  Good stuff.

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