Tuesday, September 20, 2011

'Tis the Season

The fact that Amélie & I have a cold this week gives me some indication that the cold season is rearing its ugly head. I guess it didn't help that I rode my bike in the pouring rain to a 2-hour yoga class on Saturday and then attempted to ride my bike uphill for 21 blocks right after to meet the fam and some friends for dim sum. Whatever it was, I was out of commission today. 

I found an article called, "How to kick your cold out of your system quickly". One of the first suggestions was, "Call out sick." Yeah right!! That was not happening with the kids today. Of all days, Melvin had a 7am conference call too, so he was out of the house by 6:30am. After I got Julian to school, I ran home to throw in some laundry, make lunch, and then quickly ran out again to pick him up for his dentist appointment. He absolutely loves going to the dentist, which was the only reason that was a painless trip.

Luckily, my friend Christine called. She heard my voice and suggested she pick up Julian to take him to the beach. I felt terrible, mainly because she has a 4-year old and a 17-month old (who shares Amélie's birthday) to tend to AND she does not have a car. I felt so sick and weak, I quickly accepted her offer, thanked her and got Julian ready for sand play.

One may wonder how she managed all three boys with no car? Well, she put Julian and Finn (4-yr old) in a trailer behind her bike and Liam (17-mth old) in a front seat carrier. I said good-bye to Julian, he climbed in and off they went. LIFESAVER.

I laughed to myself as she rode away, as that would have never happened back home. Instead, a Honda Odyssey, where the doors open automatically, would've been the likely vehicle of choice. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but just SO different here in the left coast.

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