Wednesday, May 18, 2011


We've been eagerly awaiting my family's arrival on Friday and Julian's counting down the days his auntie brings him his first pair of skates (that's what he's been asking for).  As much as I try to clean our apartment, it  just gets messed up again pretty quickly, so Melvin told me to give it up and just clean Friday. Ugh. Good news is that the sun is out and it was actually hot today, well, at least warm enough for me to spend 2 hours at the playground with the kids.

We're also counting down the days 'til our Alaskan Cruise on the Disney Wonder, which leaves from Vancouver. A week from today, we should be making our way towards Tracy Arm Fjord, as I sit on the deck, enjoying some grilled salmon and halibut... It is SO wrong that my sister is going to make me try on Matron of Honor dresses the DAY that we disembark.

Monday, May 16, 2011

QE Park & Deep Cove

Almost a year here and we got to visit two new places this weekend.

Queen Elizabeth Park - who would've know that such a gorgeous place was so close to our apartment. We had no idea that about 10 minutes drive away is a park with beautiful gardens, a plant/bird conservatory and the most amazing view of the city skyline and mountains in the backdrop. We'll be sure to take our visitors here.

Deep Cove, B.C. - About 25 minutes north of us lies Deep Cove, B.C. The view is outstanding and this appears to be THE place to go kayaking. In fact, the rental place there offers Full Moon Tours during the summer, where you go out at midnight and they discuss how the full moon effects the water and wildlife there. There are also a ton of hiking trails going up to the cliffs overlooking Indian Arm. Good stuff and Honey Doughnuts & Goodies alone is well worth the "long" drive.

Yes, I noticed that after having lived here, I think that a 20-minute drive is long. We used to think Vancouverites were totally weird for thinking a 15-minute drive was "far". I really hate that I feel this way because when I go back to NY for a visit, I feel like I'm going to go nuts in the car. Oh well, will deal with that next year...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Under the Weather

It's been a long-ish week, which is why I haven't really blogged.  The kids (and now Melvin and I) are fighting a bit of a cold. We also got an insane amount of rain this week, talk about April showers in May. Also, my family's highly anticipated visit is coming up on Friday (my sis, her fiance, cousin, her husband & baby, aunt & uncle). What does that mean?

8 adults + 3 kids in one apartment

Needless to say, it should be interesting...but FUN! I'm trying to stock up the freezer and fridge, as always, and we've been dreading the cleaning that needs to happen before they arrive. Time to whip out the Aerobeds! I also got called to substitute for a 90-minute Yin Yoga class this afternoon. I've only ever just taught a 60 minute class, so I'm really nervous. Luckily, postures are held for 3-7 minutes and will be making sure I put a cheat sheet under my mat!

We checked out an amazing veggie restaurant last night called The Naam.  It's a Vancouver institution and it was awesome...even Melvin (veggie hater until he met me) really liked it. The line was out the door, surprisingly, and we quickly learned why it was open 24/7.  Good stuff.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Rainy Day

In our (almost) year here, I think I've seen the most umbrellas open today. Today was a complete wash....not to mention that our elevator was being repaired for 5 hours, which forced us to not go outside today. Also, the first day we haven't taken at least a short walk outside all year. Needless to say, the kids were bouncing off the walls.  A little glimpse of my day?

* 1 broken baseboard heater
* a little push here, a big push there
* both kids standing on top of the train table, with kids chair, with baby stroller, tape streamed across all items (according to Julian, they were setting up for a party)
* lots of Sesame Street, Curious George, and Thomas
* kids unfolding laundry I just folded

There was only one thing that could make me feel better today....Indian food for dinner. Nothing a little Dal Turka and Aloo Gobi couldn't fix...

Friday, May 6, 2011

Tea Party

A couple of weeks ago, I received an invitation in the mail to attend a Mother's Day Tea Party at Julian's school.  What a treat I had today! I think Julian's Nana would've really loved it if she were around, as well.

In addition to the tea sandwiches, pound cake and black tea, served on fine china....the kids took turns saying what they love about their moms.  Apparently, Julian likes singing with his tone-deaf mom (who would've thought). We also had the pleasure of watching a video of all the kids in class AND best of all, they sang "Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars.

Um, yeah I was crying...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden dead means...

...MASSIVE headaches at the airport!

I definitely do not miss doing this almost every week. I just want to get home!!

On another note, I'm really proud of Melvin for spending his first full weekend and 2 nights alone with the children! He was quite the overachiever, I must say...The kids and him went to check out the Vancouver Marathon festivities, went to a playgroup and even went to supermarket together, which I know is a huge task!  The apartment better be clean when I get home!! (j/k)

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I'm in Fort Lauderdale right now for work (9 hour journey from Vancouver-ugh)...It's amazing how you don't know how to spend your time, after you've had children. I mean, I read a book, 2 magazines, had a nice dinner, took a walk and I still HAD time! So...I decided to get a massage last night after dinner....

While the masseuse was walking on my back (good stuff), we got to chatting. I was lamenting about missing my children and found out later she has not seen her 11-year old twins for THREE years!  Needless to say, I felt terrible.

She has been working 7 days a week to save up enough money to buy a house and bring them over from China and away from her evil in-laws, who have been poisoning their minds about her. Her husband had come to FL 5 years before her and when she got here, she found out he had found someone else!  Seriously, I felt horrible about bitchin' about being away from the kids for 3 days. I could see the pain while she was telling me this and my heart just went out to her....

Let's just say, I gave her a $40 tip....for an $80 massage. I hope she wasn't pulling my leg...

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