Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Happiness is one of those things that many are always searching for.  What will make one happy?  Love? Success? Money? Vacation?  

One of the things I learned in my yoga teacher training course (it's almost over, so these entries some of you may find annoying will eventually come to an end!) is that people shouldn't look for happiness or try to achieve happiness.  With happiness, there is also unhappiness.

Happiness often relies on circumstance:
I can't wait until I graduate college...
I can't wait until I get married...
I can't wait until I go on vacation...
I can't wait to become a millionaire...
I can't wait to retire...

What you should strive for is...BLISS.  Bliss is the internal state of being that does not rely on circumstance.  It is a place where you are at ease no matter the situation in your life.  What is the opposite of bliss?  The dictionary says "misery", but when we had a discussion in my class today, I totally get it and I totally believe that once you are in a state of bliss, that's it. No one and nothing can take that away from you, except yourself.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Question of the Day

...Are you living life or just existing?

For the first time in my life, I can honestly say I am no longer living for the weekend or for my next vacation...Monday is no longer a dreaded day.

At the ripe age of 30 (almost 31 - gulp), I am, without a doubt, living life!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Canucks vs. Mighty Ducks

Last night, we went to our first Canadian hockey game.  Vancouver Canucks vs. Anaheim Might Ducks...Vancouver won 4-1.  The hockey rink where the Olympic hiockey games were held is a 10 minute walk from our apartment (pretty much a 1 minute drive).  Well, it was a pre-season game and we figured it'd be pretty empty, so we'll just drive, so we don't have to walk back so late.  Uh, can you say traffic?

We drove BACK to our apartment, parked in the garage and decided to walk.  I guess hockey really IS a big deal here!  Sheesh.  This pre-season game was packed!

I got tickets for Melvin's birthday - club seats, row 10.  It was pretty cool.  Lot of fights!

Speaking of birthdays, we went to a kids birthday party today.  We had some amazing Persian food.  The basmati rice had this herb called Zaresh (snuck into Canada from Iran!) and it was a perfect complement to lamb kebabs and marinated chicken fresh off the grill.  YUM!

Everyone was discussing how the rain "is just beginning"....we are totally nervous about this winter!  I hope the mild temperatures compensate for everything...fingers crossed!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Interesting Story

Sorry for slacking on the blog.  It's been crazy busy and I'm getting ready for my final teachings and exam and then "graduation" from my teacher training program (so so sad it is ending), as well as mentally preparing myself for our trip back to NY on Oct. 5th.

I did want to quickly share this story my yoga teacher told us.

One day, she and another instructor were sitting at a cafe in Yaletown.  They were discussing food (don't know specifics) when a truck driver at the next table interrupted them and said, "I'm sorry, but I couldn't help listen to your conversation.  I just wanted to add that you both don't have any idea how bad it REALLY is."  He was taking a break from delivering bananas to Urban Fare, the supermarket that is across the street from our apartment.

It turns out this truck driver drives bananas from the States to Canada.  That is his job - banana driver.  Anyway, he explained to them that whenever bananas leave the U.S. to be exported, they have to be green.  They only bring over green bananas to Canada.  When he reaches the border crossing, he has to call the supermarkets in Vancouver - Safeway, Urban Fare, Choices, etc. to see how their supplies are doing.  So, if Safeway has a ton of bananas left, they say to bring the green ones in, as is.  However, if Safeway is running low on yellow/ripened bananas they need them ASAP.  So you know what this guy does?  He presses a button on the truck, which emits gas to the bananas, so that by the time they reach the respective supermarket, they are yellow.  The border is only 45 minutes away to downtown.  

That, my friends, is the reason to go for organic produce whenever possible.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy Birthday! my hubby!

Hope you enjoyed your day, even though you had to work.  Love ya!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Season in Review

Today is the last day of the summer.  When we arrived in Vancouver, it was the first day of summer, so we've been here an entire season already.  It has really flown by!!

Season in Review
The summer in Vancouver is, by far, spectacular.  I will do a review of every season, but if I were to make a recommendation, I would say: come visit us in the summer!   We welcome you during all seasons; however, I can only speak intelligently about the summer so far.  Water activities are bountiful, mornings/evenings are comfortable, mountains are green and lush and the city is best seen on foot.  Summer fruits, like berries (3rd largest producer of blueberries in the world) are everywhere!  Farmer's markets, in practically every town, are in effect every week.   People dine on fresh coho salmon on restaurant patios all around town.  Rainy days are scarce in the summer (at least this year), but when it does rain, there is at least 4-5 hours of beautiful sunshine to be outdoors.  Also, I have not minded wearing my rain jacket and my wonderful Michael Kors rain boots.

As we move into the fall, I wonder how the rest of the year will be.  I still can't believe we are here.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Grouse Grind - Part Deux

Vrksasana - Tree Pose
Today, we hiked up Grouse Mountain's Grouse Grind during the kids' nap.  I thought that we could get back in time for Amélie's next feeding, but no such luck.

I came with the "I got this" attitude, so the first 1/4 was fine.  Then, I went into "oh shit" mode when I realized we'd only gone 1/4 of the way up Grouse Mountain.  Also, I saw a couple of my yoga peeps coming down as they couldn't make it up the mountain, so then I was a bit discouraged.

Well, long story short, we made it up, but I didn't beat Melvin's time - we did it in 1 hour and 27 minutes though.  I also got my Lululemon gear all dirtied up, which was unfortunate.  Note to self: no need to wear leg warmers just to look cute.  I decided to do the Tree Pose and practice oneness with the trees about 3/4 of the way up.    

It was a good time.  

To summarize for anyone planning to do the Grind anytime soon, here's my take on it:

1/4 - the longest trail, zig zags and is less steep
1/2 - getting a bit steeper and where most people lose hope
3/4 - point of no return and straight up rock climbing, there are ropes to help people along
last 1/4 - steepest and the point where people fear leg cramps

Full Circle

It's funny how some things in life come to a full circle.  There will be a huge Yoga Convention in Vancouver the weekend of October 1st, which I don't plan on attending as that is my "graduation" weekend for the 200-hr teacher training program.  In any case, I was browsing through the catalog just to see what is being featured when I came across a name and face that looked so very familiar.

One of my old yoga and pilates teachers from Philadelphia is teaching a couple workshops at the convention!  I find this to be so strange as she was one of the reasons I became interested in yoga.  Her teaching was so distinct that I remember her 11 years later.  I just recently learned how to teach Anuloma Viloma, (a fairly complex alternate nostril breathing exercise) and she is the only teacher that has ever taught it in a class that I've been to.  I discovered her specialty is the Prana Flow Hatha Yoga that I am learning now.  Pretty crazy how things in the past turn up like that.

The same thing has happened with work.  One of my old contractors that I used to hire for meetings emailed me on Sunday.  It turns out she and her husband live in Vancouver for part of the year and have a business here.  She heard through the industry grapevine that I moved here and wants to see if I'm interested in working with them.  Anyway, I'm meeting with her on Sunday to find out more details, so we will see, but again, very weird how things like that happen in life.

Be nice to your co-workers.  You never know when one might end up being your boss.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I knew this would be an eventual entry as I have pretty strong feelings about it...

Time Magazine just had an article about Organic Food in a recent issue and the beginning annoyed me a bit, but then it got better, but just wanted mention a couple points.

Before I start, I completely agree that  food choices are totally a lifestyle choice.  It's just really important to know the facts.

The main reason to eat organic food is NOT because the food is supposed to "taste better" or "have more vitamins".  I think that is a common misconception people have.  Food tasting better may be a "side effect"; however, the more important reason is that it is chemical, pesticide and (whatever else) free food.  Also, it's better for the planet.  Up to 10 million tons of chemical fertilizer per year are poured onto fields to cultivate corn alone - scary!  The toxic runoffs are poisoning the Gulf of Mexico.  Beef  raised in industrial conditions are dosed with antibiotics and growth boosting hormones, leaving chemical residues in meat and milk.  Melvin recently asked my why I bought organic butter.  Um, well, what do you think butter is made of?

Also, the fact that you can find 'out of season' foods available in all seasons means that crops must be grown in one place and are flown all over the world to those demanding year-round strawberries, plums, etc.  This leaves a major carbon footprint on our Earth.  I was very surprised to find clementines available in the summer last year.  They used to only be available in November (and maybe October) when I was growing up.

Some other misconceptions:

"All-Natural" does not equal pesticide or antibiotic/hormone free.  It is just like "low-fat" means it is 3 grams OR LESS fat than a regular product.

"Farmer's Market" does not equal organic.  It is nice to support local farmers though.

"Grass-Fed" does not mean the animal was able to graze grass through their lifetime.  If you are interested in eating "free" animals, you want to look for "Grass-Finished" meats.

"Free Range" is a very abused term in the market. It simply indicates that chicken are not in cages, but doesn't mean they are outside of the "building".  Those that saw Food, Inc. know what I'm talking about.

I could go on, but I won't.  I don't eat ALL organic, but try as best as we can for most of our foods cooked at home.  It is just way too hard to know the source of the foods served at restaurants.  I have to say the main reason is for our kids (Julian eats better than we do).  As a parent, there is just that need to protect them from everything...including pesticides.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Food for Thought

Here are some of my favorite ideas, findings and quotes from my yoga teacher training so far.  I just randomly listed it but would love to talk more in depth about this stuff to whomever is interested in a deep conversation.

We can perceive only from what we know (i.e. the world is flat)...and what we know creates our reality (i.e. if you ask a child to draw a monster, they will only draw body parts that they know but how they perceive a monster to look - like a monster with one eye).

There are no muscles whatsoever in our fingers & I guess I really DO have fat fingers!

Tantric Yoga - did you know this yoga practice stops women from getting their period and teaches men to make love without ejaculating??  Crazy stuff, huh?  Let's see if Melvin will let me pay to take this workshop.  LOL

Lotus Flower - it is the symbolic flower of yoga.  The roots of a lotus flower are in the mud and it blossoms above water.

Quote: Some bamboo are short and some are tall. What do you think this means?

Quote: We search for unconditional love because we don't love ourselves.

Quote: Freedom is letting go of the small self.

Quote: Realization is so hard to grasp because our mind is so complicated.

Quote: Suffering is a result of the perceptions of the mind.  When we identify ourselves with something lesser than us, suffering arises. (For example, our name, our gender, our nationality, etc)  This is one of my favorites and it is such an interesting concept.

Finally, Yoga is NOT a practice of is about radical self transformation.  The essence of what you are, not form.

One of the most important things I've learned during my course thus far is that yoga is NOT a workout.  It is about the practice of "stillness" and "finding your inner bliss".  Again, the biggest challenge that most people have, including myself, is being still and being in the present.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Toons for Toddlers

We took Julian to his very first movie today.  Canada has this program called "Toons for Toddlers" where they have specific showings targeting his age.  Anyway, the movie was called "Thomas & Friends: Misty Island Rescue" and some of the things they do to keep it toddler friendly are:

- Keep the lights dimmed so kids and parents can get to the washroom
- Have space available for strollers at the front and back of the theater
- Keep the sound lower so not to scare the kids
- Keep movies under 60 minutes long to avoid restlessness

It was really great and he loved it.  Melvin and I took full advantage and both took naps, during the movie, after we all shared a large popcorn.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


...has been a huge topic in my yoga teacher training classes, particularly the "meaning" of it - to you, to others, to everyone.  Deep stuff, my brain hurts.

The most magical and spiritual place I have ever experienced is Bali.  Tonight, we watched a movie (book turned movie) called Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.  I knew there was no way I'd enjoy the movie more than the book. The concepts and ideas are way too deep to be portrayed visually.  Instead, the reason we chose to watch it was to be reminded of the beautiful landscapes, glistening water, humble people, and peaceful island called Bali, within Indonesia, that is often misinterpreted because of its location. It was our honeymoon spot and best vacation ever (R & R - you are going to LOVE it).  Of the 14,000 islands called Indonesia, it is probably the island where its people have the most tolerance.  You'd have to have that tolerance to exude the essence of spirituality the way it does.

Spirituality: Elevating ourselves above our evolutionary roles of animals serving evolutionary functions. 

Food for Thought: Are our choices "authentic" or a result of our programming?

Monday, September 6, 2010


I've been learning a ton at my yoga teacher training classes.  It is such a wonderful experience for me and my teacher is one of those worldly, all-knowing (even though there's no such thing) people.  Today was my fourth day and I feel like I could write a book about some of the topics that have come up in class, but I'll spare you.

Here are some things I've walked away with thus far.

Mindfulness - Shakti (my teacher) says it's not healthy to be TOO pure.  For example, she is okay with smoking as long as it's "mindful" smoking....drop everything, pick up that cigarette, breathe, enjoy and be mindful of the moment (don't smoke while walking, eating, driving, pooping, etc or else it'll just be a habit).  I discovered that I do not know how to "mindfully gamble" after I lost $200 at the casino last night.  Whoops.

Running Kills Your Body - We've been covering a ton of anatomy and I realized how much training for a marathon a few years ago killed my joints, tendons, spine, internal organs, etc.  Scary.

Yoga Philosophy - I could write a book about our lesson this afternoon, but I learned that everything that we do has not changed from the ice age.  We just do things differently.  This could be a very interesting discussion over wine and cheese another time.

Gender Matters -  men and women are all wired so differently - again reference to the ice age.  Women, don't try to change your husbands.  It ain't gonna work!

Quantum Physics and Yoga are very much the same - don't even ask, I'd have to refer to my notes

I could go on and on but it's only the 4th day.  Today, I also taught my first asana to a class of 10 people.  It was completely invigorating and I loved it - more than I thought I would.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Chinatown Night Market

This weekend is the last weekend of Vancouver's Chinatown Night Market, which is about a 2-minute drive from our place.  We checked it out tonight and guess what I found?? 

...decent Hong Kong Cake!!!  I don't want to dwell on this, but seriously, it is hard to find.  I was ecstatic and of course Melvin finally admitted that "they are good".  Still not like Cecilia Tam was on Mosco St. (NYC) - just to pay her more homage than I already have, check out this Appreciation Thread I found.  Kudos to the foodies out there that know when to recognize innovation.

I was disappointed to find out that this particular vendor only sold their cakes during the Summer Night Market, so I guess we'll have to wait until next May to indulge again.  That may be a good thing.

So, the night market was rather disappointing after growing up going to NYC's Chinatown and having been to Hong Kong twice. It just doesn't compare to either, but the fact we are minutes away makes up for the disappointment.

I have lots to update about my yoga teacher training, which I LOVE, but will have to do it another night.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Living Social

I haven't mentioned that I've been helping a friend market her new business out here in Vancouver.  As I mentioned in my "Asana" entry, I'm unable to "sit" or "be in the present" for too long...that being said, my time as solely a stay at home mom/housewife was pretty much non-existent.  Anyway, my friend's business has been really fun and a place I could escape to when I need a break from the kids or when I need something to jolt my inner juices.  I've met some very cool people in the process.

Anyway, I managed to get them a feature on yesterday!  It was extremely successful and yesterday was exhilarating watching the numbers climb and exceeding my expectations.  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that feeling of success!

694 units sold = CHA-CHING!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I had my first yoga teacher training class today at Prana Yoga College.  It was loads of fun and I'm loving it so far, except for the fact I had to pump every break we had, rather than socialize with the students.  I found though that people kept me company while I pumped under my Hootie Hider (a necessity for breastfeeding moms).  One minute we'd be eating and chatting and then I'd hear, "What's that sound?"..."It's my freakin pump, got a problem with that?"  Just kidding, I didn't say that (but I was thinking it)."

Asana (or posture): "to sit" or "be present" 

Hmm...I'm not sure I'll be good at this.  Many of you that know me well know that I cannot sit still, nor live in the present moment.  I guess I'll have something to work on :)

PS - sorry in advance for the yoga talk, but that is my life for the next month!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Last night, Melvin and I took in a movie with another couple.  Afterward, we indulged in some Poutine for the first time - it is so bad for you, yet so good.  I thought it was from France, but it's actually less exotic and was created by French Canadians.

POUTINE -  dish consisting of French Fries topped with fresh cheese curd, covered with brown gravy and sometimes additional ingredients.

Now, I'm getting ready for my first yoga class, hoping last night's indulgence doesn't screw me up today.  Poutine at 11:00pm and downward facing dog?  Not a good mix.

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